Following 12 Executions on September 6, Ten More Prisoners Hanged the Day After


Families of Death Row Prisoners Protests Outside Regime’s Judiciary

To continue his disgraceful rule, Khamenei has embarked on an unprecedented wave of mass executions. Following the execution of 12 prisoners on September 6, another 10 prisoners were hanged on Wednesday, September 7 in Minab, Bandar Abbas, and Gohardasht prisons: two in Minab, seven in Gohardasht, and one in Bandar Abbas.

The regime’s henchmen also hanged a 22-year-old prisoner, Ghafoor Nejatpour, in Gonbad Kavoos prison on Thursday, September 8.

One of those executed in Minab was a poor fuel carrier Mahmood Balochi, who was executed in prison after 11 years of imprisonment. He was hanged by the direct order of the Judiciary Chief Gholamhossein Mohseni Eje’i. State-run Khabar Online website wrote in this regard on September 7: “By the order of Judiciary Chief regarding unsettled and old cases, the murderer of martyr Ehsani was hanged and this case was settled after 11 years.”

Families of death row prisoners in Tehran held their third day of protest outside the regime’s judiciary building on September 8 and demanded a halt in the execution of their loved ones. Elderly fathers and mothers, wives, and children of the prisoners protested the widespread wave of executions by carrying placards and chanting, “Do not execute!” and “No to executions”. Children of one of the executed prisoners said in the rally, “Don’t allow more people to get killed, and don’t allow the families to be bereaved. End the killings!” Another participant said, “How many more of us should be killed and we say nothing? Was it our right to become poor? We mourn the bravest children of our land. We don’t want any of us to be killed anymore.”

Regarding the wave of executions of prisoners, Iraj Fattahi, the head of Karaj Central Prison, told the families, “We are only carrying orders! The execution order has been issued by the judiciary.” The heads of the regime’s prisons have blocked prison routes with barbed wire to prevent protesting prisoners from rioting and escaping.

Based on the documents obtained from within the regime’s judiciary, the NCRI Security and Counterterrorism Committee disclosed in its statement dated May 16, 2022, that 5,197 prisoners are currently on death row or sentenced to Qisas (retribution).

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said that silence and inaction against the mullahs’ regime, which sheds blood recklessly and has been involved in crimes against humanity and genocide for four decades, is a mockery of the universal principles of human rights. The dossier of the regime’s crimes should be referred to the United Nations Security Council, and its leaders should be brought to justice. While expressing her sympathy and solidarity with the families gathering outside the regime’s judiciary, she said that Khamenei is trying in vain to save his faltering regime by stepping up repression and executions, which have intensified public anger against the mullahs’ anti-human regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

September 9, 2022

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