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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsFearing protests Iranian regime secretly buries Gholamreza Khosravi of PMOI (MEK)

Fearing protests Iranian regime secretly buries Gholamreza Khosravi of PMOI (MEK)

NCRI – On Sunday midnight, June 1, six agents from the Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) secretly buried Gholamreza Khosravi of the PMOI in Bagh-e-Rezvan Cemetery in city of Isfahan.

Subsequent to hanging Gholamreza, the mullahs’ henchmen not only refused to hand over his corpse to his family who had spent all the night in front of the Gohardasht prison, but ruthlessly and by resorting to deceit, provided contradictory answers to his family and referred them to places like the Evin Prison and the Prosecutors’ Office to exacerbate the pain and suffering of the grieving family.

In reality, in fear of public protest and outrage, Gholamerza’s corpse was surreptitiously transferred to Isfahan (440 Kilometers away from Tehran).

The efforts of his family to recieve his corpse were futile. And at midnight Gholamreza was secretly buried in Isfahan Bagh-e-Rezvan Cemetery. The MOIS offices in Tehran and Isfahan have warned that nobody is allowed to hold a funeral procession or to publish a report regarding the location and the way of his burial.
Gholamreza Khosravi was hanged in Karaj Gohardasht Prison on Sunday, June 1, after 12 years of imprisonment and torture in different dungeons. Following his arrest for the second time in 2007, he was sentenced to three years of imprisonment. But due to the fact that he did not submit to the regime’s pressure to take part in television interview against the PMOI, he was condemned to twice execution in a show trial.

Gholamreza was severely beaten during the April 17 raid to the Evin Prison. He was injured in his head, face, and ear, and was transferred to solitary confinement. He immediately went on a hunger strike along with other prisoners until they returned to the Ward 350.

The regime’s Prosecutor’s Office on Sunday declared that Gholamreza Khosravi of the PMOI was charged with “Moharebeh (enmity against God), due to active effort to pursue the goals of the PMOI”, disseminating information “through media outfits affiliated to the PMOI”, “providing financial contribution”, and recruiting “a number of individuals for the PMOI organization”.

According to the statement of Amnesty International, the execution of Gholamreza Khosravi Savadjani in addition to violation of “international law,” was carried out in the violation of the regime’s own laws. Not turning over his corpse to his family, and his secret burial demonstrate the faltering clerical regime’s growing fear from the PMOI and the Iranian Resistance.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 2, 2014