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Extraordinary measures in various cities to combat popular uprising on anniversary of July 9, 1999

NCRI – To prevent a popular uprising, the suppressive agents of the Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS), State Security Forces (SSF), plainclothes elements, and the paramilitary Bassij were stationed around universities in various Iranian cities on the anniversary of the July 9 student uprising.

An undeclared martial law was in place. Many of the universities and student dormitories were closed on an official order. The utility lines were cut to these facilities to force out the students.

Despite such suppressive measures, for hours, students in Tehran and other cities took to the streets and clashed with SSF.

In early morning hours, the SSF units arrested a number of Polytechnique University students in Tehran while demonstrating outside the school gates. Some of the detainees were identified as Mohammad Hashemi, Ali Neko-Nesbati, Mehdi Arab-Shahi, Bahareh Hadayat, Hanif Yazdani, Ali Vafqi, Abdullah Momeni, Ali Malihi, Morteza Eslahchi, Mojtaba Bayat, Reza Qalandari, and Habib Haj-Hidari. The SSF used baton and tear gas when it faced resistance by the   students.

Last night, the SSF locked in the students in Vesale Dormitory to prevent them from joining the demonstrations.

In support of the demonstrating students, hundreds of youths gathered In Laleh Park in Tehran. The SSF units attempted to disperse the crowd by beatings.

Students demonstrated in Razi University to support their fellow students in other cities in the provincial capital of Karmanshah. As the case in other schools, the SSF cracked down on the students in Razi School by beating and arresting a number of them.   

Youths demonstrating in support of students increased in number by the hour in southwestern city of Dehloran. The SSF units repeatedly called for reinforcement when they were not able to contain the uprising.

A number of motorcyclists marking the July 9 were arrested outside the 174 precinct in Shahr-Ray, one of Tehran’s southern suburbs.  

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 9, 2007