Execution of 17 Individuals in Four Days in Iran


Execution of 17 individuals in four days, including the execution of a female prisoner in Sabzevar and the killing of a 19-year-old Baluch student

Between January 28 and 31, Khamenei’s regime executed 17 prisoners, bringing the recorded executions for January 2024 to 83 individuals.

On January 31, a female prisoner named Zahra Nazarian was executed in Sabzevar, and two prisoners, Mehdi Azarioun and Hossein Habibi, were executed in Urmia. On January 30, two prisoners, Esmaeil Chapeh and Payam, were hanged in Karaj. On January 29, in addition to the four previously announced executions, Javad Ajamian, Mohammad Hassan Jafari, and Mohammad Hossein Esmaeili were executed in Karaj, and Ali Rajabian was executed in Qezelhessar Prison. On January 28, four other prisoners were executed in Birjand and Qezelhessar Prisons.

In another heinous crime, the intelligence forces of the Revolutionary Guards arrested 19-year-old student Sepehr Shiraani from the University of Sistan and Baluchistan on January 30 in Zahedan. Two days later, his family faced his lifeless body, with gunshot wounds to the head and visible signs of torture, bruising, and fractures on his body. On Friday, February 2, his funeral and burial took place in his hometown of Fanouj, Sistan and Baluchistan, with widespread public attendance.

On the other hand, political prisoner Hamed Gharaoghlani has been on a hunger strike for 22 days in protest against the lack of medical facilities in Urmia Prison. His criminal jailers have threatened him with exile if he continues the hunger strike. His cell is extremely cold, dirty, unhygienic, and lacks basic amenities. In July 2020, he was arrested and sentenced to 14 years in prison by the Urmia Revolutionary Court on charges of “waging war against God through membership in the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran” and “participating in military courses and attacking Basij bases, propaganda against the system, insulting sanctities, insulting the Leader (Ali Khamenei).”

A government-affiliated website, Etemad Online, wrote on February 1, “Some believe that harsh punishments can frighten the people… It is natural that society will not be convinced of these executions as fair legal behavior and will react… The gap between (the ruling) power and society is widening. On the other hand, it can lead to the emergence of resentment in society. In fact, in addition to the families of the convicts, society may also develop a vindictive view of these behaviors.”

The Iranian Resistance once again calls on the United Nations, relevant organizations, the European Union, and member states to take immediate action to stop the torture and execution machine. It emphasizes the necessity of an international fact-finding mission to visit Iranian prisons and meet with prisoners, especially political prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

4 February 2024

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