Eleven hanged and five sentenced to death in two days

The mullah’s regime has hanged 11 people and handed down five death sentences in the last two days alone.

This morning, Moheb Ali Bastani, was hanged in Delijan Prison (central Iran) after being sentenced to death by the mullahs’ Revolutionary Court.

On Wednesday, April 19, the regime hanged a record 10 people in Evin Prison in Tehran. On the same day, the Supreme Court upheld the death sentence for Yadollah, 20. A young man, named Faraz A., 19, Soroush and Nader were all given death sentences on Tuesday, April 18.

The Supreme Court has also upheld the death sentence for a 56-year-old man identified as Hamidreza B.

Mosayeb Shahdadnejad, 19, was publicly hanged at the Farmandari junction in the town of Jireft, southern Iran.

The number of executions has risen dramatically during Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s presidency. At least 51 people have been hanged in the last three months alone.

The repression and the rise in the number of executions in the last few weeks show the mullahs’ alarm at widespread protests across the country and reflect an attempt to deal with this explosive situation by terrorizing and intimidating the public.

The Iranian Resistance urges all International Human Rights organs to condemn these executions and the crackdown on Iranian women and young people. It also calls for the referral of Iran’s human rights file to the United Nations Security Council for immediate action.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 21, 2006

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