Eight hangings, 12 death sentences in six days

Iranian Resistance demands urgent international action to halt barbaric executions in Iran

Amid the stepped-up wave of executions in Iran, the clerical regime hanged two people and sentenced to death nine more, including two women.

These bring to eight and 12 respectively the number of hangings and death sentences issued in the past six days alone.

A man, 43, was hanged on August 11 in Tehran on the charge of killing a member of the State Security Forces. Another man was hanged in Malek-Ashtar Square in the city of Arak (south of Tehran) three days later.

Yesterday, the daily Sharq and the State controlled news agency, Fars, reported that the Supreme Court had upheld death sentences for two men charged with murder in Tehran and Gonbad Kavoos (northern Iran).

The Iranian Resistance reiterates the need for urgent action by the world community, especially the United Nations Human Rights Commission, High Commissioner for Human Rights and the General Assembly, to stop these inhuman punishments. It underscores that the international community’s silence and inaction, including the failure to table a censure resolution at the Human Rights Commission and a lack of a Special Repporteur to monitor the situation of human rights in Iran, have emboldened the mullahs to continue and step up their atrocities, particularly the medieval executions.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 16, 2005

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