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HomeIran Human RightsStop executions in IranCruel Execution of Political Prisoner Hani Albushahbazi from Arab Compatriots - 31...

Cruel Execution of Political Prisoner Hani Albushahbazi from Arab Compatriots – 31 Executions in the Past 9 Days in Iran

hani albushahbasi (1)

NCRI logoThe criminal agents of Khamenei executed political prisoner Hani Albushahbazi, a young rebel from Arab compatriots and from the brave people of Shadegan (Falahiya), on Tuesday, November 28, on the bogus charge of “warring against God” in Sepidar prison in Ahvaz. Hani Albushahbazi, 32, was arrested during a clash with security forces in Falahiya on December 3, 2019, and after being subjected to brutal torture, the regime’s court in Abadan sentenced him to death for killing SSF agent Yasser Sepidroo and Basij mercenary Mohammad Ali Kazemi.

The state-run ILNA news agency quoted the regime’s judiciary in Khuzestan as saying: “Hani Albushahbazi on December 3, 2019, with a Kalashnikov in his hand … fired at a police car, killing one of the officers named “Yasser Sepidroo” and wounding other officers. In this clash, Mohammad Ali Kazemi, who attempted to admonish and forbid the attacker, was also killed.”

Today (Thursday, November 30), two Baluch compatriots named Nasser Azbagzehi (Rakhshani) and Nasser Aalizehi were executed in Zahedan, and on November 29, three prisoners, including Morad Biranvand and Morad Garavand in Khorramabad, and Masoud Bassak in Kashan, were executed. As a result, the number of prisoners executed in the past 9 days reached at least 31.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), in connection with the criminal executions, stressed that the mullahs’ regime, in fear of the uprising and simultaneously with its warmongering in the region, has accelerated the execution of prisoners. Khamenei is trying in vain to escape the fire of the people’s anger. Silence in the face of the godfather of execution and slaughter is an encouragement to continue the crime against humanity. The United Nations and the European Union must strongly condemn this regime for its arbitrary executions and take urgent action to save the death-row prisoners, especially political prisoners. The mullahs do not represent the people of Iran and must be expelled from the United Nations.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

November 30, 2023