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Criminal murder of a Kurd by suppressive forces on the pretext of being smuggler

Gangs of Khamenei and Revolutionary guards embezzle 20 billion dollars through illegal trade

On Monday morning, December 3, a Kurdish man by the name of Ebrahim Jahanara, 45, was killed by the gunfire of elements of security forces. He who was a small businessman, was fired at while driving his vehicle carrying scrap from Piranshahr to Mahabad.

Every year, a great number of villagers living near the border and suffering from poverty and unemployment, carry heavy goods on their backs with great hardship to provide food for their families, but are directly shot at by criminal revolutionary guards and lose their lives. Every year, dozens of these deprived villagers who are known as “back bearers”, together with small businessmen in this region lose their lives due to direct gunfire of elements of suppressive organs of the clerical regime.
Brutal murder of these deprived villagers are carried out at a time that top officials of the mullahs’ regime, especially Khamenei’s faction and top commanders of IRGC are the main smugglers who embezzle billions of dollars through smuggling. They freely plunder Iranian people’s wealth through their private piers and runways.
According to the head of regime’s headquarters to combat smuggling in 2005, only 20 percent of the 201 piers of the country have licensable customs border and more than 160 of them are illegal. Importing large amounts of jerry-built goods from countries such as China has led to destruction of domestic industry and production and has rendered miserable millions of workers, businessmen and petty merchants.
During internal power struggle among regime’s various factions, Ahmadinejad called the commanders of the IRGC as “smuggling brothers”. Mostafa Matourzadeh, a member of mullahs’ parliament economic commission, also said, “According to the headquarters for combat smuggling goods and foreign exchange, the goods imported from borders, piers and illegal channels worth $20 billion.” Haidar Moslehi, regime’s intelligence minister, also admitted that 30 percent of $65b worth imports of the country in year 2009 were imported through smuggling (2 July 2012). According to Ghazanfari, regime’s minister of industry and mines, “rival gangs import goods at reference price, but sell it at open market’s price and thereby embezzle billions of dollars.” (Asr Iran, state-run daily, 13 October 2012)

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 5, 2012