Contradictory statements of the mullahs’ regime officials about the murder of Sattar Beheshti under torture

The hypocritical clerical regime’s claim to address the reasons for the killing of political prisoner Sattar Beheshti, and for “firm and zero tolerance approach towards perpetrators” did not even last for one day. Simultaneous  with the broadcast of Mohseni Ejei, the regime’s Attorney General, statements acknowledging signs of torture on five parts of Sattar’s body (ISNA news agency November 12, 2012), Alaeddin Boroujerdi,

chairman of the Commission on National Security and Foreign Policy of the mullahs’ parliament, a relative and close to Khamenei, flagrantly said: “According to initial information, the bruise signs were not seen on this person’s body” (MOIS Mehr News Agency- November 12).
Mohseni Sani, chairman of the Internal Security Committee of the regime’s parliament, who is the so-called “fact finder” of this horrible crime, said: “There is a possibility that Sattar Beheshti died of natural causes. No documentation on any negligence or fault of the officers has reached a conclusion… and first results of the coroner’s report show that no effective signs for his death had been witnessed … Of course anti revolutionary press exaggerate because this late person was in close contact with the enemy forces outside the country through his emails and blogs, which is why they are building a project in this regard; an approach that is far from the reality “(ISNA news agency November 12)

The regime officials’ lies are being said while political prisoners of Section 350 of Evin prison who saw Sattar from close-by have testified that torture signs were visible all over his body and his body was “crushed” under the torture. Eyewitnesses who saw Sattar’s body at funeral also mentioned the existence of a hole in his head and signs of fractures and bruises on his bloodied body.

The Iranian resistance, while reiterates the need to appoint an international fact-finding mission by the UN Security Council, calls for the trial of regime leaders for crimes against humanity, including the execution of 120, 000 political prisoners. Inaction and lack of a serious political will to stop the cycle of crime and massacre, only encourages this regime to send more freedom seekers of the Iranian people to the gallows.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 13,2012

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