Ceremony marking 40th day of Sattar Beheshti’s murder turns into anti-government protest

• Regime’s repressive forces beat and injure Sattar’s mother, arrest numerous participants

On the evening of Thursday, December 13th, a ceremony marking the 40th day of Sattar Beheshti’s murder – under torture by regime’s henchmen – turned into a protest against the mullahs’ inhumane regime.

Repressive forces dispatched hundreds of anti-riot police units, plainclothes agents and intelligence elements, in addition to imposing suppressive measures, attempting to close entrances and exits to the city of Robat Karim near Tehran and create a climate of fear to prevent people from participating in the ceremony. They even tore down leaflets posted around the city inviting people to the ceremony. Despite all these measures, a large number of people participated at the Robat Karim cemetery to commemorate Sattar Beheshti.
“They killed my protector. May God destroy all of you,” Sattar’s mother screamed at the ceremony. Sattar’s sister fainted while chanting against the regime and those who murdered her brother.
To disperse the crowd, the regime’s repressive forces viciously attacked and injured the Behesthi family, leading into following clashes. The mullahs’ agents severely attacked and beat Sattar’s mother, pulling her on the ground from her hair while her knee was already injured. Sattar’s sister was also attacked by the repressive force. Clashing with the regime’s agents, those participating in the ceremony were able to save Sattar’s brother from intelligence and plainclothes agents seeking to arrest him.
A large number of those participating in the ceremony, including those who had cameras, were arrested and their cameras confiscated. Those detained were transferred to an unknown location with a number of minibuses.

Secretariat of National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 14, 2012

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