Call to save six political prisoners sentenced to death.According to Evin’s hangmen, Gholamreza Khosravi will be executed on September on the charges of financial aid to Mojahedin

Five political prisoners from Ahwaz also have been sentenced to death
on fabricated charges of Moharebeh (war with God)

The life of political prisoner Ghoam Reza Khosravi Savadjany, 47, who was sentenced to death for financial aid to the Mojahedin and mullahs-made charge of Moharebeh (war with God), is in danger.

Hangmen of infamous Evin Prison have communicated to him that his death sentence will be executed on September 10. Mr. Khosravi, in the 80’s, while he was only 16 years old, suffered five years imprisonment in medieval prison in Kazeroun because of his support for the Mojahedin. He was arrested again in 2007 in Rafsanjan and without having the least due process, was sentenced to six years in prison. In 2010, hangmen transferred him to Evin prison and tried him again for financial aid to the Mojahedin, while the two years of his sentence was remained, he was condemned to death. Mr. Khosravi, who spent more than 40months in solitary confinement, now is in the notorious Evin prison on death row.

Meanwhile, five political prisoners in Ahwaz, namely Mr. Mohammad Ali Amvari (engineer), Mr. Hadi Rashedi (engineer), Hashem Shabani, a teacher and MA student in Political Science, and two brothers named Jaber and Mokhtar Alboshokeh were also charged with mullahs-made charge of Moharebeh and sentenced to death. The death sentences of these prisoners were communicated to them on July 8.

 The mullahs’ regime, in another inhuman act, executed four other Arabic speaking political prisoners in Ahwaz on June 18, including three brothers, Abdul-Rahman, Abbas, and  Jamshid Heidari and another prisoner, Ali Sharifi. These prisoners were all arrested during April 2011 protests in Ahwaz and had less than 30 years of age.

The mullahs’ regime resorting to execution of political prisoners in fear of the explosion of public anger, is while on one hand increasing price of the most basic needs of daily life, poverty, unemployment, corruption and embezzlements of the regime’s leaders and agents have exhausted the Iranian people, and on the other hand, the dark fate of Syrian dictator, the regime’s closest regional ally, has overshadowed the mullahs’ hated dictatorship with the fear of being overthrown.

Iranian Resistance calls on international authorities and human rights organizations, particularly UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran and rapporteurs on arbitrary arrests, torture and execution to take urgent and binding action to save the lives of six political prisoners on death row.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 26, 2012

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