Call on international community for immediate action to release ailing political prisoners


The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights bodies, especially the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Rapporteurs on Torture and the Right to Life to take urgent action for unconditional release of political prisoners in Iran who are in critical health condition. The religious fascism ruling Iran denies the political prisoners their most basic rights including contact with family members and medical care and treatment in order to increase pressure on them.

Hassan Sadeghi in Gohardasht prison is suffering from glaucoma in his right eye which is caused by torture and beating by the torturers on his head and eyes. According to the doctors, it is possible the blood vessels in his eyes rupture and completely blind him. The henchmen conditioned his dispatch to hospital to wearing handcuffs and shackles and prison uniform. He is a political prisoner of the 1980s and was rearrested in 2012 and again for the third time in 2015 and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for supporting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

Asghar Qattan also incarcerated in Gohardasht prison is suffering from heart disease, hypertension and hyperlipidaemia, diabetes, kidney disease and liver and spleen problems. According to doctors, he should be hospitalized and monitored 24 hours a day due to his illness but they prevent his dispatch to hospital. He has previously undergone several surgeries due to stomach cancer personally paying the expenses. Mr. Qattan had been imprisoned and tortured for six month in the 1980s and was rearrested in 2010 and again in 2012.

Zeinab Jalalian, an Iranian Kurd compatriot incarcerated in Khoy prison, is on the verge of blindness due to diseases of the eye pterygium, but the henchmen refuse to send him to the hospital for treatment. They have also threatened Zeinab’s family to refrain from releasing information about her situation. Zeinab Jalaian was arrested in March 2008 and sentenced to life imprisonment on the charges of “Moharebeh (waging war against God)” and is currently denied any family visit.
Rasoul Razavi, who has been on hunger strike in Tabriz prison since October 3, is in dire health condition. On November 3, he was severely beaten and threatened by the criminal head of ward 12 of Tabriz prison before being transferred to Gohardasht prison. He staged an indefinite hunger strike on October 4 to protest the mullahs’ court rulings and pressures by the Ministry of Intelligence.

Shir Mohammad Shirvani, a Baluch compatriot incarcerated in Ardebil prison, is suffering from acute kidney and gastrointestinal disease. The intelligence ministry agents have transferred him to solitary confinement after he requested medical treatment. He was arrested in 2008 and sentenced to 22 years imprisonment. The henchmen transferred him to Ardebil prison to put pressure on him and his family.

Mohammad Ali Taheri, incarcerated in Evin prison, has been on hunger strike since September 28 and is in critical health condition. He was sentenced to five years imprisonment on mullah-made charges of “insulting the sanctities, illicit usage of scientific titles and writing misleading books and articles.” According to the court decision communicated to him on February 7, 2016, his prison term had ended but the regime’s Judiciary prevented his release by making new cases against him. In the past few days, many supporters of Mohammad Ali Taheri staged gathering and rally to protest his continued detention but they were beaten by Intelligence agents and several of them were arrested.

Arash Sadeghi in ward 8 of Evin prison is in serious health condition after several days of hunger strike due to severe drop in blood pressure and weight loss. He staged a hunger strike since October 24 to protest the arrest and detention of his wife, Golrohk Ebrahimi. He was arrested in 2014 and sentenced to 19 years imprisonment on the charges of “assembly and collusion against the regime” and “insulting religious sanctities.”

Secretariat of National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 7, 2016


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