Call for saving the life of a political prisoner on death row

Mr. Esmaeel Mohammadi faces imminent execution after his death sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court. He has been imprisoned for more than two years.

Mr. Mohammad is 38 years old and a resident of Bukan. He is married and has five children. He was sentenced to death last year on charges of sympathizing with the Kurdish group Komala. Faced with growing uprisings and popular protests, including the uprisings in Khuzistan Province and in different cities in Kurdistan Province, the clerical regime has begun a new wave of executions to intimidate and terrorize the public.
During last week’s Tehran Friday prayer sermon, Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, head of the influential Guardian Council, called for the expeditious implementation of death sentences for political prisoners.
He warned against "hypocritical actions and plans to overthrow the state."
"Some of them have complete judicial cases and no one can defend them. Any judge would sentence them to death. Verdicts for a number of them have been issued and upheld after appeal," Jannati said.
The Iranian Resistance urges human rights bodies and organizations to protest against death sentences in Iran and act to save the lives of political prisoners on death row, including Mr. Esmaeel Mohammadi.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 21, 2005

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