An international call on UN to dispatch a fact finding mission

Lion and Sun official symbol of the NCRI


NCRI – In an unprecedented murder case, the mullahs' criminal agents poisoned Mr. Amir Heshmat-Saran, a political prisoner, by chemical substance in Gohardasht prison in Karaj, west of Tehran. He spent years under torture in clerical regime’s medieval dungeons. Heshmat-Saran was in coma for the past 48 hours.

To cover up their crime, the regime’s henchmen transferred him to Rajai hospital in Karaj. In a critical condition, the guards handcuffed him to his bed while unconscious. The agents of the notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) did not allow his family to see him in his final hours in the hospital.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran warned against murdering of political prisoners using toxic substances in a statement on February 26.

He was a political activists in 1980s and was jailed a number of times for his resistance to the religious dictatorship in Iran and often was subjected to torture. The last time he was arrested in 2006 and during the whole period he and his cellmates in Gohardasht prison were subjected to organized attacks by agents of the MOIS and prison guards for their resistance against suppressive measures. Some of the criminal agents involved in torturing the prisoners were: Ali Haj Kazem, Kermani, Nabi Allah Farajzadeh and dozens of others from prison’s special guard.

The Iranian Resistance expresses condolences with his family and in particular his wife and children as well as all those who seek freedom of the political prisoners in mullahs' jails.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations to condemn the barbaric crimes committed by the ruling clerics in Iran and take necessary steps to save the lives of political prisoners. It also calls on the UN Secretary General, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN Human Rights Council to appoint a Special Rapporteur to investigate the conditions of the political prisoners in Iran and in particular that of Mr. Heshmat-Saran’s death.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 6, 2009

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