Ahmadinejad and other leaders of the Iranian regime promise more executions and suppression

NCRI – Pursuant to Ahmadinejad’s abhorrent remarks on Wednesday about executions in Tehran and other cities in recent weeks, mullah Ahmad Jannati, the head of the regime’s Council of Guardians said, “Execution of a group of hooligans  were one of the best acts of security and  political and cultural moves.” Addressing the Friday prayers sermon, he stressed, “If there is no security then there would be no meaning for state rule and it will not reach its goal.” His remarks were tacit admission of the fact that the aim of recent executions was to protect the clerical rule.

Jannati, a close associate of the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, pledged that there would be more executions by saying, “If it was Imam Ali (Shi’ite leader after Prophet Mohammad), he would have executed more people because he was not a man who would have compromised with those who disrupt security of the society.”

In his Wednesday remarks, Ahmadinejad said, “The nature of the work is that the government is defending with all its power the security measures to protect people in particular when dealing with hooligans, they all should defend [these measures]…” By referring to youths who were executed in recent weeks he said, “Every single one of these [young people] is like a dangerous bug, therefore, they should either be corrected or put in jail otherwise should do what has been done.”

Speaking about the so-called plan for public security, the State Security Forces commander, Brig. Gen. Ismail Ahmadi-Moqaddam said, “After dealing with those who organize corruption, corrupt people and those who disrupt order and spread corruption, the security forces announced that in pursuance of its efforts to establish security, the activities of those who are trying to justify corruption and in the name of time considerations, promote corruption, are under surveillance and will be dealt with.” (State-run daily Kayhan, July 25, 2007)

The leaders of the clerical regime, who are surrounded by internal crises and social protests, find the only way out in stepping up suppression and repression. To this end, they are trying to prepare grounds for further executions.

The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of the United Nations and other competent international bodies as well as the European Union to the growing trend of executions in Iran and warns against further executions in future.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 28, 2007

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