With intensification of blockade, condition of patients in Ashraf with acute diseases deteriorates



NCRI – The committee task with suppression of Ashraf residents in the office of the Iraqi Prime Minister has ‎intensified the inhumane blockade on the residents upon the request of the Iranian regime. To this end, access ‎to medical services has been restricted for the residents.‎

Since June the committee has ordered the Iraqi battalion based in Ashraf and the director of the camp’s hospital ‎not to allow translators to accompany Ashraf patients who are sent out to hospitals in Baghdad or other cities. ‎Since most patients do not speak English or Arabic, they end up cancelling their appointments with specialist ‎physicians with dire consequences for female patients or patients with terminal diseases.‎


On October 11, following a visit to camp’s hospital by Deputy Director of  Diyala Health Department, where ‎he listened to patients’ problems, he instructed the director of the camp’s hospital to allow Ashraf residents’ ‎translators to accompany patients to outside hospitals. However, in past 10 days since his instruction, the ‎director of the camp’s hospital, who takes his orders from the committee, continues to prevent translators from ‎accompanying the patients.‎

Recently, Iraqi forces have stated that the patients can go to hospitals with Iraqi soldiers who speak Farsi, a ‎matter that contravenes blatantly the standard medical moral code; especially in the case of women patients. In ‎addition, the residents have no trust in the Iraqi forces; particularly those‏ ‏soldiers who speak Farsi and are ‎direct agents of the Iranian regime’s Qods Force.‎

Among appointments of terminally ill patients cancelled in the past few months are appointments of three ‎cancer patients on June 30, four cancer patients on July 11, two female patients on September 15, four cancer ‎patients on September 23, two eye surgeries on September 20, one kidney patient and one heart patient on ‎September 26, one eye surgery on September 13, two cancer patients on October 13, and five cancer patients ‎on October 18. In addition, numerous appointments for medical examinations, CT scan, M.R.I., Cystoscopy, ‎Colonoscopy, Angiography and Treadmill have also been cancelled in the same period. ‎

These cruel restrictions are imposed while the residents had enjoyed free access to medical and specialist ‎services throughout Iraq in accordance with international standards at their own expenses from 1986, when ‎they went to live in Ashraf, until 2008.‎

These restrictions that lead to irreversible consequences for the patients, are flagrant violations of the Universal ‎Declaration of Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law, and International Human Rights Law and ‎therefore, constitute crimes against humanity liable for prosecution in international tribunals. ‎

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United States Government and its forces, the Secretary General of the ‎United Nations, the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Iraq, the UN High Commissioner for ‎Human Rights, and all relevant international bodies to urgently interfere to remove all restrictions imposed on ‎Ashraf residents that deprive them of access to specialist physicians and hospitals or other medical services.‎

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 21, 2010‎

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