What are Iraq’s ministers of judiciary and human rights doing in Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad?

Ashraf military occupation – No. 104

Danaifar pays the two ministers for their anti-human stances

NCRI – According to information that has reached the National Council of Resistance of Iran from within the clerical regime, on 8 May 2011, Iraq’s minister of judiciary Hassan al-Shemerie and minister of human rights Muhammad al-Soudani, went to the Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad along with a henchman-prosecutor-element of the regime.

Danaifar, while expressing his gratitude to these elements for their missions so far against the Monafeqin, informed them of their new missions and offered them presents and paid for their services. These payments are for their endeavors in washing Maliki’s bloody hands.

Maliki is now forced to use all his elements in the government plus the elements of the Iranian regime to cover up his great crime of April 8.

It is uncustomary in political and judicial realms for ministers of judiciary and human rights to ever refer to a foreign embassy, let alone to get paid by an ambassador that at the same time is a commander of the terrorist Qods Force.

On that same Sunday of May 8, other elements from Iraq’s southern and Salaheddin and Diyala provinces referred to regime’s embassy to get paid by representative of the intelligence ministry Haj Ali Navidi for their sermons on Friday (May 6) where they supported the massacre of PMOI in Ashraf.

Secretariat of National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 10, 2011

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