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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyWarning on extradition of Camp Ashraf hostages to Iranian regime

Warning on extradition of Camp Ashraf hostages to Iranian regime

NCRI- According to information received, Maliki who has denied presence of hostages in Iraq, through Faleh Fayaz is negotiating with the Iranian regime’s ambassador who is in direct contact with Khamenei’s Office.

The Iranian regime has presented Maliki three options for him to escape this predicament and save his skin. Therefore, today, any entry or exit from the location of imprisonment of hostages, including visits to them by UN representatives, has been prevented. The three options are:

First: Transfer of the seven hostages to Tehran as soon as possible

Second: The Iranian regime would announce that Maliki is uninformed of what is going on and Iraqi groups or unknown soldiers (agents of the Iranian regime intelligence ministry) have apprehended these people.

Third: Using a certain scenario, government of Iraq would announce that these seven are in the hands of Iraqi groups of Entefazeh (uprising) who have been harmed by “Khalq Organization” [PMOI] and that Iraq is negotiating with them. In the next step, a fictitious Iraqi group, much like the group that assumed responsibility for the missile attacks on Camp Liberty to save Maliki’s skin, would announce that the seven hostages would be freed when the last group of “Khalq Organization” members leave Liberty and depart from Iraq. Concurrently, as much as possible, fictitious judicial cases will be produced against the hostages.

On the other hand, mullahs’ regime is demanding that the hostages be tortured by Maliki’s henchmen to extract confessions from them considering:

A. The “Khalq Organization” has been providing financial assistance to terrorist groups and is responsible for unrests in Iraq.

B. Confessions on dubious deaths inside the PMOI and that in the recent attack by Iraqi forces and in previous ones, it was PMOI members who themselves shot disenchanted members and then placed the blame of government of Iraq!

C. Extract confessions on corruption and moral vices within the PMOI, especially regarding the leadership of the organization.

Subsequent to denial by Maliki about presence of hostages in Iraq, hours ago, Mrs. Rajavi in Geneva called on President Obama, Secretary Kerry, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Under-Secretary-General Jeffrey Feltman, High Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Pillay, High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Ms. Beth Jones, and Ambassador Beecroft to resort to urgent action to prevent transgression of the non-refoulement principle and extradition of refugees to the Iranian regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 20, 2013