Vipers at Liberty Prison

Camp Liberty-No.13

NCRI – On the afternoon of Saturday, February 25, near the residents’ sleeping trailers at Liberty, several snakes and vipers were seen, two of them captured by the residents (3 Photos are attached). This is due to the non-livable conditions of this abandoned location and the catastrophic infrastructures at the camp whose readiness and compliance with humanitarian standards were certified at the end of January by Mr. Martin Kobler and his shelter building technician. Meanwhile, the daily walk-through of armed Iraqi forces in the small residential areas of residents continues for 30 to 50 times a day.

Pictures of these snakes tarnish the so-called golden image of liberty and as Alan Dershowitz said two days ago at a conference in Washington, D.C., it leaves behind nothing but a scandal. The world’s most prominent criminal lawyer added:

“What we need immediately is a commission of inquiry to determine how this fraud was perpetrated. Who certified — who approved that hell hole, that garbage dump?  Who said that it met United Nation’s standards? Somebody is responsible for perpetrating that fraud and for getting 400 innocent people to risk their lives and their health to be exposed to that kind of trash and that kind of hazard to their health.  We have to get to the bottom of this.”

Also at that conference Mayor Rudy Guiliani said:

“This isn’t a jail. This is a concentration camp. That’s what it is. This is a concentration camp.  Let’s call it what it is.”

Consequently, “Liberty residents have come to the conclusion that without the guarantee of their minimum assurances, the only solution to prevent the degeneration of the status quo is their return to Ashraf.” (NCRI Statement on Liberty, No. 12, February 24)

And the Ashraf residents have written in their letters to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon that: “We cannot accept any relocation without minimum guarantees. By obtaining confirmation of their conditions for Liberty by UNAMI, the Iranian regime and the Iraqi government want to give us a choice between death and surrender to religious fascism.”

Mrs. Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, drew the attentions of UN Secretary General, Secretary Clinton, and Baroness Ashton to this unhealthy and anti-human environment by her strongest protest against prison-building and catastrophic conditions of Liberty, and asked for immediate attention to this shameful situation. She reiterated that as Ashraf residents have announced repeatedly, without minimum assurances, no one should expect any voluntary relocation from Ashraf to Liberty.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 27, 2012

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