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US, UN must stop Iraqi agents from psychologically torturing Iranians in Camp Liberty


For 42-day Iraqi agents continued to psychologically torture Camp Liberty residents on Friday with playing the Iranian regime’s dirges in Farsi and Arabic on powerful loudspeakers directed at the residents living quarters

NCRI – Iraqi security agents are busy imposing a siege and suppressing Camp Liberty residents. For instance, since 26 October 2014 , they have resorted to psychological torture of residents by playing clerical regime’s dirges in Farsi and Arabic during different hours of day and night using very powerful loudspeakers.

These agents are the same criminals who under the command of Faleh Fayad, who was Nouri al-Maliki’ National Security Advisor and continues to hold this post, have for years massacred, imposed a siege, and psychologically tortured the residents in Ashraf and Liberty.

All the loudspeakers are set up in the camp’s police station and their sound waves are concentrated toward the dwelling quarters of the residents. This psychological torture, ongoing for 42 days now, is most tormenting to the patients who are in Section One of Camp Liberty which is the closest to these loudspeakers and has deprived the patients from sleep and rest.

The implementation of this psychological torture, in addition to violating a great number of international conventions, including the Convention Against Torture, is a flagrant violation of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Government of Iraq and the United Nations on 25 December 2011 and is a repetition of the 2-year psychological torture of residents in Ashraf by agents of mullahs’ intelligence under the pretext of families of residents. From February 2010 to December 2011, the torturers used 320 loudspeakers to threaten the residents day and night with massacre and burning down of Ashraf.

The residents and their representatives have numerously and in person complained to UNAMI monitors of this psychological torture and have sent it on a daily basis in Liberty’s Daily Reports to various UN officials, but the playing of clerical regime’s dirges not only has not stopped but has constantly increased and intensified.

The Iranian Resistance warns of the consequences of this psychological torture that is a vivid case of crime against humanity whose perpetrators must be prosecuted and by reminding the repeated and written commitments of the U.S. government and the United Nations regarding the security and wellbeing of Camp Liberty residents calls for their immediate intervention to end this psychological torture and the playing of dirges and for removing of the loudspeakers.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 5, 2014