Urgent: Iraqi forces preparing for an attack on Ashraf

NCRI – According to information from inside the Iranian regime obtained by the Iranian Resistance, the Iraqi forces are going to carry out an attack on Ashraf at the behest of the regime in a near future. To this end, commanders of the Iraqi army and police battalions based inside Ashraf have put on full alert all their forces, weapons and armored vehicles and have cancelled holiday leaves for their personnel. Reinforcements are also on their way to Ashraf. The regime has asked the Iraqi forces to take a number of Ashraf residents hostage.

The attack is planned to be carried out during tonight and tomorrow. This is going to be an attack after the departure of the US forces from Ashraf. The regime as well as the Iraqi government and forces have been preparing the grounds for it during the past days and weeks.

The Iraqi forces, in an unlawful and hostile act, have blocked one of the streets inside Camp Ashraf since Tuesday, August 24, and are preventing the residents to commute through this street. Upon the order of the committee within the Iraqi Prime Minister’s office that is responsible for suppression of Ashraf residents, a number of armed forces and armored vehicles have been stationed in that street which has been used by the residents for the past 25 years.

On Wednesday, August 25, 2010, two Iraqi Army Intelligence officers by the names of Naqib Ahmad Hassan Khodheir and Lieutenant Heidar Azab Mashi, stopped a vehicle inside Ashraf and forced at gun point the driver and the passenger off the vehicle and beat them up severely. The two Ashraf residents; Rahman Mohammadian and Hossein Kaghazian, were insulted and threatened to be arrested, killed and forcibly expelled.

Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, Vice President of the European Parliament, in a letter to the Iraqi Prime Minister on December 2, 2009, informed him about Sadeq Kazem Rekabi and Naqib Ahmad Hassan Khodheir as being agents of the Iranian regime operating within the committee in prime minister’s office responsible for suppression of Ashraf. He emphasized that these agents take their orders directly from Tehran.

The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of the US Government and the UN Secretary General and his special representative for Iraq to the probable attack by the Iraqi forces and the subsequent new humanitarian catastrophe and calls on the US forces to intervene immediately and resettle their forces inside Ashraf. It also calls on the monitoring team of UNAMI to be stationed in Ashraf to guarantee protection of Ashraf residents and prevent their massacre and brutality against them. The United States must protect Ashraf residents based on its international obligations and a mutual agreement signed with every single resident of Ashraf and is responsible against any assault on them. Majority members of the US Congress in resolution 704 called on the US President last March to guarantee protection of Ashraf residents.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 26, 2010

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