Two more killed by Iraqi forces at Camp Ashraf

Crimes des forces irakiennes à la Cité d'AchrafAshraf attacked – Statement 24

NCRI – At around 10:00 local time today, Wednesday, July 29, 2009, Iraqi forces entered Camp Ashraf from the northern wing in six vehicles equipped with BKC machine guns. They opened fire on the defenseless residents of Ashraf, killing and injuring a number of people.

Hossein Mahmoudi and Hanif Emami were killed on the spot after being shot by live ammunition fired from the BKC machine guns. One of the bullets struck Hanif Emami’s heart.

The chants of “Allahu Akbar” (God is great) and “For what reason were they killed?” are still continuing in Ashraf.

The deaths of Mahmoudi and Emami bring the death toll in Ashraf since yesterday and until 10:00 local time today to seven people.

The Iraqi agents also demolished all facilities, bungalows and residences at the northern wing of Camp Ashraf.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 29, 2009

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