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Through repressive measures against Ashraf, by announcing arrest warrants for its residents, and vowing that he would take action if they do not leave Iraq by April, Maliki tramples on Memorandum of Understanding signed with UN

Camp Ashraf – Breach of pledges , No. 14

Mrs. Rajavi urges UN, U.S., EU to take immediate measure vis-à-vis Iraq’s breaching its commitments and to hold an international conference to save the peaceful solution

NCRI – In his interview aired on Monday evening, 16 January 2012, by the mullahs’ regime’s Arabic language TV station called al-Alam, Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki completely infringed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed with UN on Ashraf  and his commitments vis-à-vis UN and U.S.. He repeated the very sheer lies claimed by the mullahs’ regime and said: The PMOI/MEK “is involved in murder and terrorism. At international level they are accused of terrorism… Neither based on the Constitution, nor because of interests can we allow this organization to exist on Iraqi soil.”

While acknowledging repressive and criminal measures against Ashraf residents, he said: “We placed pressure on this organization and there was intervention. Our stance was that their presence must come to an end on December 31st. And we truly had made all the preparations to end this presence through whatever means necessary. Then there were mediations and interferences. The UN Secretary-General called; other dignitaries and officials who were interested and wanted this matter not to result in a confrontation requested that they remain four months into 2012, meaning till the end of the fourth month. However, there was an agreement with the UN that UN would assume responsibility for this… Ashraf will be closed and returned to its owners and they will be transferred to a base near the airport”.

In blatant violation of MOU, the Iraqi prime minister who receives his orders from Tehran said: “Now we have 121 arrest warrants on MEK members now in Ashraf City who have committed crimes.” He added, “by the end of the fourth month their departure has to have been completed or they return to Iran according to the amnesty given by the Islamic Republic or they go to countries that accept them as refugees or that they would travel in an ordinary way; those who have passports from countries like Canada, France or other countries that they have their passports.”

Then he threatened: “we have tolerated them a lot and we will tolerate them in these next four months, and we will see if the UN can or not. If the UN can’t we will take action on the basis that we are the owners of this country and sovereignty and the presence of such an organization is in violation of our sovereignty…”
In the meantime, the reports received from inside the mullahs’ regime indicate that Danaifar, the mullahs’ regime’s ambassador in Baghdad, has asked Maliki “to extradite the leadership of PMOI in Camp Ashraf and Maliki has pledged to hand them over to the regime at the end of the deadline. He will exhaust all his efforts to make this period as short as possible.”

According to these same reports, in line with its directives received from Iran, the Iraqi government is preparing to increase the pressure on residents by “building high walls and employing a great number of security forces inside the fenced area of the new camp” and to “obstruct the implementation of the MoU with the UN and waste time in living up to its commitments in the MoU and subsequently claim that it is the PMOI that is not cooperating and is violating the agreements”.

Therefore, as declared numerous times by the Iranian Resistance, including in NCRI statements of January 2, 9 and 13, little doubt remains that with the assistance of the Iraqi government, the Iranian regime is attempting to defeat the peaceful solution for Ashraf; a solution that the international community, including Secretary Clinton, Baroness Ashton, and the UN Secretary-General, has emphasized upon and up to this point to make it happen Ashraf residents have relinquished many of their absolute rights.

Statements by Maliki and measures adopted by his government are flagrant violations of the December 25 MoU between the GoI and the Special Representative of Secretary-General for Iraq and also the December 28 letter of SRSG to Ashraf residents. These violations clearly demonstrate that Maliki is poised on turning Liberty into a prison for Ashraf residents with the signature of UN and to pressure the residents to surrender to the religious fascism ruling Iran. Through his emphasis on the fabricated arrest warrants and his reiterations on the “amnesty of the Islamic Republic”, or by stressing that by the end of April all residents of Ashraf should have left Iraq or he would resort to action, Maliki has revealed the criminal plans of the Iranian regime and his wicked intentions to implement them. Speaking of amnesty by a regime that since the beginning of the new year has executed 43 and condemned to death three political prisoners for their family links with Ashraf residents and the PMOI, is utterly ludicrous.
On the brink of its sham elections of mullahs’ Majlis and soaring its internal crisis, and in the situation that the Syrian people uprising is threatening this regime, in order to prevent its definite downfall, the mullahs’ regime, in parallel with its pursuit to acquire nuclear bomb, intends to eradicate its main opposition through its proxies in Iraq.

While expressing her regret about the government of Iraq’s trampling upon its word and action, Mrs. Rajavi called for a firm stance and immediate measures by the Security Council, the Secretary General, US and EU against breaches of commitments by the government of Iraq and a string of its illegal measures and consecutive violations of international law and conventions in regard to Ashraf residents. In order to save the peaceful resolution, once again, she called for an international conference with the participation of Secretary General Special Representative, and the representatives of Ashraf residents, Government of Iraq, US government, EU, UNHCR, OHCHR and European Parliament.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 17, 2012