Theft of safety control cameras of Ashraf’s power station by Iraqi forces

Camp Ashraf  military occupation – No.83

NCRI – On Saturday night, 23 April, the Iraqi forces stole 3 safety control cameras of Camp Ashraf residents’ power station. Iraqi forces entered the facility from the cooling system canal and took the cameras with them. This action will render proper functioning of the generators and power delivery problematic.

This power plant was built in 2007 in order to provide part of the electricity needed by the vital Ashraf centers such as the hospital, food storeroom, water delivery station, ice making, bakery and other facilities.

The plant has 6 high capacity generators, as well as 6 low-power to high-power transformers. All generators have been purchased from outside Iraq at the residents’ own expense, and were brought to Ashraf with knowledge of, and in coordination with the American forces who were, at the time, in charge of protection of Ashraf. All documents related to their procurement and transfer are available and can be released.

The Iranian Resistance calls on UNAMI, the American forces in Iraq, and all international human rights entities to make al-Maliki and the forces under his command return stolen properties of Ashraf residents including these cameras.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 24, 2011

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