The Revolutionary Guards and the terrorist Qods Force prepare grounds for a new bloodbath in Ashraf



Military occupation of Ashraf – No. 129

Call on the United States, European Union, High Commissioner for Refugees, and High Commissioner for Human Rights for urgent action to protect Ashraf

On Sunday, July 31, the clerical regime’s Revolutionary Guards and its terrorist Qods Force, in its news agency Fars, fabricated an utterly spurious and absurd story to prepare the grounds for another bloodbath in Ashraf.
Fars news agency wrote: “As the decision by the Iraqi government nears for the expulsion of the PMOI at any price, the leadership of PMOI ordered preparations be made for the massacre of members of the sect.” Fars added: “With the objective to face off the probable entry of the Iraqi army into Ashraf Base, the disenchanted people of the PMOI sect – without knowing what is going on – are to be positioned at the front to be sacrificed; during the engagement with Iraqi forces they will be the first to perish and subsequently introduced as ‘Martyr’.”

The Revolutionary Guards hideously adds: “It is decided that by instigating another group of individuals of the sect to run away, they would be targeted from behind and killed by sect’s sharpshooters … It is planned that with the entry of the Iraqi army and police into Ashraf Base, dozens from the sect set themselves ablaze in front of TV cameras and commit suicide” and “it is planned that during the ensuing days a number of other individuals from the sect be murdered to convey this notion that the Iraqi forces have badly injured a great number of people and they have died due to the severity of their injuries.” The IRGC news agency continued: “Up till now the Iraqi army has entered this base in two stages, but the Monafeqin murdered a number of their forces to convey that injustice has happened.”

Concurrent with the dissemination of this nonsense which clearly shows preparations are in the making to conduct another massacre in Ashraf, Fars news agency quoted revolutionary guard member Danaifar, clerical regime’s ambassador to Iraq and a commander of Qods Force, as saying, “The Iraqi government is resolute in expelling this grouplet from Iraqi soil”.
In fear of uprisings in the region, especially in Syria, and tilting of previous balance, also concerned over popular uprisings in Iran, the mullahs’ regime finds annihilation of its organized opposition as the most essential step to rescue its faltering regime. Accordingly, it is pursuing destruction of Ashraf residents with the assistance of its puppet regime in Iraq.

Considering ominous and announced intentions of the mullahs’ regime and Maliki’s government, the Iranian Resistance once again warns U.S., EU, UN Security Council, UNHCR and UNCHR against another massacre in Camp Ashraf and urges them to provide guaranteed protection for Ashraf. In the U.S. House of Representatives’ Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia on July 27, Congressman Rohrabacher underscored that the United States will be responsible for any further killing of unarmed and defenseless residents of Ashraf in future.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 2, 2011

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