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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyThe number of wounded in Iraqi police attack on Camp Ashraf rising

The number of wounded in Iraqi police attack on Camp Ashraf rising

Unmembre de l'OMPI blessé par les agents irakiens du régime des mollahsCamp Ashraf attacked – Statement 19

The number of wounded in Iraqi police attack on Camp Ashraf rising

The number of wounded in Iraqi police forces’ brutal attack on Camp Ashraf today reached 385 by 22:45 tonight. 24 of them are women. The Iraqi agents have taken 18 wounded hostage.

13 wounded are in critical state and the only way for them to survive is to take them to the American forces’ hospital in Balad, 20 km from Camp Ashraf, for immediate operation. The wounded could be taken to the hospital by helicopters belonged to the US forces based at Camp Ashraf. We wish to remind the US forces of their responsibilities in this respect.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 28, 2009