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The mullahs’ regime praise for its puppet government in Iraq for forcible displacement of Ashraf residents

Ashraf and Liberty residents to the UN and the US: Until full implementation of agreements, the transfer must be completely stopped

NCRI – Following the transfer of fifth group of Ashraf residents to Liberty, after the return of Maliki from Tehran, the religious fascism ruling Iran praised its puppet government for this displacement. Alaeddin Boroujerdi, the mullahs’ parliament chairman of national security and foreign affairs committee, who is visiting Iraq, after meeting with Maliki said: “Honestly, (transfer of Ashraf residents) was a big job that the Iraqi government and Iraqi parliament did. It was right that these terrorists not be in Iraq, this measure is commendable and it is being performed as planned” (Iranian state-run TV, May 7, 2012). It is obvious that the non-understandable rush to transfer Ashraf residents, while violating all commitments and denying them their minimum rights, comes from where.

In a letter to the UN Secretary General, High Commissioner for refugees, the US Secretary of State and other relevant international bodies, the fifth group wrote that during the transfer, pressures and imposing limitations maxed out and were it not for the emphasis of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian resistance,  they would not have accepted this transfer and added while the UN has been constantly reminded of Iraqi government violations of agreements, unfortunately there was no adequate response.

Approximately 400 members of the fifth convoy emphasized in their letter that the Iraqi government has repeatedly violated letters of December 28, 2011, February 16, March 16, 21, 24 and 25 of the Special Representative and even the signed MOU and in an inhumane act prevented the transfer of specialized trailers and vehicles for the disabled and paraplegic patients who have been adapted to them for years. It even returned 6 utility vehicles, that they have agreed for their transfer, from mid-point to Liberty. Residents stressed in their letter: 

All relocations to Camp Liberty would be limited until all previous commitment, and letters of the Special Representative to the residents are implemented in full. This includes adequate water and electricity infrastructures, transfer of passenger and utility vehicles, and limiting presence of Iraqi forces inside the Camp according to the March 16 letter of the SRSG and also asked the UN to Announce that Camp Liberty is a refugee camp and allow not the Iraqi government to further suppress the residents and violate their rights under the pretext that Camp Liberty is only a TTL. Continuation of transfer of residents to Camp Liberty without resolving these issues is catastrophic and United Nations would be responsible for the ensuing Consequences.

Ashraf residents wrote in a similar letter to the UN Secretary General:
We request you to officially put an end to the continuation of relocation of the resident until real guarantees are achieved so that the residents’ demands, including the transfer of special vehicles and trailers for paraplegic patients, transfer of utility vehicles, and also selling of all moveable and immoveable property of the residents, are met.

Following Iraqi government repeated violations, Ms. Rajavi called on May 4 for immediate intervention of the UN Secretary General and US authorities, and declared that until full implementation of all agreements, she would not recommend any one else to move from Ashraf to Liberty.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 9, 2012