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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyThe mullahs’ Ambassador admits that closure of Ashraf and arrest warrants against...

The mullahs’ Ambassador admits that closure of Ashraf and arrest warrants against Ashraf residents was organized by the Iranian regime

Following the transfer of the seventh group of Ashraf residents to Camp Liberty, on Sunday September 16, Danaeifar, a commander of the terrorist Quds force and the Iranian regime’s Ambassador to Iraq acknowledged that the transfer of Ashraf residents to Liberty and closure of Ashraf, as well as filing judicial cases against Ashtraf residents are all led by the mullahs’ regime and its Embassy in Baghdad.

He said: “With coordination and the follow up of the Iraqi government, fortunately we are witnessing the closure of [Ashraf] … The important point here is that we have litigation brought against them. Many cases have been filed against their leaders by private plaintiffs and innocent people who were martyred by them” (State run TV- September 16, 2012)
Maliki’s National Security Adviser Faleh Fayyaz had previously told the Al-Iraqia TV, associated with Maliki, on April 24, 2012 upon his return from Iran that: “It is natural that the case of terrorist Mojahedin Organization should be discussed with the Iranian side … Mr. Martin Kobler, has talked in details with Iraqi and Iranian parties through the Iranian Embassy or other channels communicating with Iran in order to provide the requirements for implementation of the understanding which has been agreed on between him and Iraq to close camp Ashraf and put an end to the presence of this organization on Iraqi territory”.
The Iranian resistance had already said that arrest warrants had been prepared in such a rush that they did not even bear the Judge’s name, and included the names of the deceased and a number of the Iranian resistance members in Europe or the US, and or people in Iran or those who had never been a member of the People’s Mojahedin.
Danaeifar in another part of his yesterday’s speech referred to another ridiculous deadline and said: “According to the arranged plans, they have to be relocated to outside Iraq in the next three months at most”.
A senior former UNAMI official and advisor to the Special Representative on Ashraf issues testifying before a hearing in the US Congress on September 13, 2012 said: “Issues related to the transfer of any group of the exiled from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty, including dates and specific number of people, have been coordinated on behalf of the Iraqi Prime Minister’s office with the Iranian Embassy in Baghdad”.
Confessions of the Iranian regime’s Ambassador to Iraq reveal the plans and conspiracies of the mullahs’ regime and the Iraqi government against Ashraf residents, specially after their transfer to Camp Liberty. Therefore the Iranian resistance, given the direct and undeniable responsibility of the United Nations and the US government with respect to the protection of Ashraf residents, calls for urgent action of Secretary Clinton and the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, to secure and guarantee the protection and security of Ashraf residents.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 17, 2012