Targeting Ashraf residents with shotguns

Camp Ashraf military occupation – No. 172

NCRI – Mercenaries from the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and the terrorist Qods Force have fired on Ashraf residents with shotguns. At 2PM local time on Saturday, December 10, agents of the terrorist Qods Force on the southern flank of Ashraf fired on a resident with a shotgun (three images are enclosed). Shots were fired in previous days as well at lighting projectors along the southern flank of Ashraf with shotguns.

The agents of the Qods Force and the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence who are engaged in waging psychological warfare against Ashraf residents for the past two years with the use of 300 loudspeakers enjoy the full support of Iraqi forces. These agents advanced to the southern fence of Ashraf yesterday with the support of the Iraqi police’s rapid reaction unit under orders from the Iraqi Prime Ministry (three images enclosed).

Contrary to claims by the Iranian regimes proxies in Iraq, the Ashraf crisis is absolutely unrelated to “Iraqi sovereignty” and this is indeed the sovereignty of the Iranian mullahs being applied in Iraq.
Simultaneous with firing on defenseless residents with shotguns, Iraqi forces once again looted the occupied Moein Building on the northern side of the camp’s main road on Saturday. They plundered personal lockers and even doors from the rooms in the building.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 10, 2011

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