Strong blasts shake Camp Liberty

The Iranian Resistance demands immediate transfer of Camp Liberty residents to Ashraf to prevent a human catastrophe

NCRI – In hours between 8 and 10 in the morning today, Monday April 15, at least 5 explosions taking place in the surroundings of Camp Liberty, shock the camp and the resulting smoke from the blasts covered the area of the camp.

According to reports from news agencies, the explosions took place near Baghdad Airport, in an area just near Camp Liberty. 

Due to the explosions, a group of residents and patients who were on their way to hospital, and among them there were some patients with severe cancer cases, were forced to return to the camp.
Multiple blasts also shock Camp Liberty on the evening of April 10.

The explosions show that the residents are, not only easy targets for rocket attacks (such as the one that was perpetrated by the Quds terrorist force on February 9, in coordination with the government of Iraq), but they are also based in an unsafe area facing nonstop assaults and explosions.

The vulnerability of the residents from these threats are considerably higher than even that of the local residents. That is because firstly, they live in Bungalows, secondly, the concentration of their population in a very small area is quite high, and thirdly, they not only have no protective shielding, but due to being prisoners, on the event of such explosions, they have no means of scattering and distancing themselves from the area of the blast.

While 70 days have passed since the rocket attack on February 9, the government of Iraq is still refusing the return any T-walls to the camp as a protective measure against blasts. The government is also preventing personal hard hats and bulletproof vests and also medical equipments, all owned by the residents that are situated in Ashraf, to be brought to Camp Liberty to provide some means of self-protection. The government is also refusing to allow enlargement of the camp area (to lower the population density, minimizing casualties in case of similar attacks) and it is not allowing the residents to do any reconstruction inside the camp.

The recent explosions in the surrounding area of Camp Liberty, once again proves that claims made by Martin Kobler about transfer of Ashraf residents to a secure location in Baghdad has been an absolute deception and cover for transferring them in to a prison.

Monday’s explosion proves once again that the residents of Camp Liberty are in danger of a total massacre. Therefore the Iranian Resistance calls on the U.S. Government and the United Nations to immediately transfer all the residents back to Camp Ashraf where they would be more secure and are protected against attacks and explosions. This is the only way to prevent another human catastrophe.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 15, 2013

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