Statements by Khamenei, Ahmadinejad and Talebani in Tehran for closure of Ashraf and suppression of Iranian opposition in Iraq



Military occupation of Ashraf – No 117

• Decision to close down Ashraf and suppress the Iranian opposition is irrelevant to Iraq’s sovereignty and just a dictate of clerical regime to the Iraqi government

• The anti-terrorism conference by central banker of terrorism in Tehran is a ludicrous show to wash down its bloody claws in the massacre of Ashraf residents through its proxies in Iraq in face of international condemnations and sanctions

NCRI – On Saturday, June 25, a week after the greatest gathering of Iranian regime’s opposition in Paris on June 18, the terrorist clerical dictatorship ruling Iran, in a ludicrous and fearful reaction, resorted to convening a so-called conference against terrorism in Tehran. This conference was boycotted by Arab countries and no Arab leader or official participated.


Today, Khamenei and Ahmadinejad, leaders of the international central banker of terrorism, in a reaction to the European Parliament’s plan and support of parliamentarians from 41 countries around the globe, including support of majority of members of 30 parliaments of the rights and protection of Ashraf residents, accused the United States, Britain and Western countries of supporting the PMOI and the uprising of people against the dictatorship. They ludicrously and pitifully declared their readiness to stand beside other nations in the struggle against terrorism!

Ahmadinejad who is acutely fearful of the waves of uprisings and demonstrations in Arab countries, in particular in Syria and Libya, to reach Iran, stated: “I am sorry to declare that individuals and groups responsible for these events (in Iran) enjoy the overt support of a number of European countries and some American politicians.”

In this jugglery, in an attempt to please Khamenei and Ahmadinejad, the Iraqi President Mr. Talebani said, “We have decided to close Ashraf base by the end of the current year… and a trilateral committee composed of Iraq, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the ICRC has been formed to create the needed road map in this regard. It is our decision to prevent any aggression against our neighbors.” He expressed hope that with the announcement of amnesty by the Iranian regime, Ashraf residents would be able to return to Iran.

Qassem Solaymani, commander of the terrorist Qods Force who is hosting Talebani, was placed in the sanction list of the European Union on June 24 along with commander of the IRGC and the commander of IRGC Intelligence for their roles in the massacre of Syrian people. In addition, the Iranian regime’s airline and shipping were included in the U.S. sanctions for transporting arms and explosives to various countries in the region.

This conference is convened at a time that on the one hand the Iraqi people, like the Syrians, are burning pictures of Ahmadinejad and Khamenei alongside Maliki and Bashar Asad demanding cessation of the clerical regime’s interference in their countries, and on the other hand, the vicious terrorist operations of the Iranian regime and the terrorist Qods Force in Iraq has taken on new dimensions with the U.S. Secretary of Defense and the spokesman for U.S. forces in Iraq having put a finger on that in recent days.

Statements of Khamenei, Ahmadinejad and Talebani against Ashraf residents on Saturday, June 25, as mentioned by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, in the grand gathering of Iranians last week, clearly shows that “attack on Ashraf has nothing to do with Iraq’s national sovereignty. This massacre was planned in Khamenei’s office for defending the Velayat-e faqih and was an attack on Iranian people’s basic aspirations for freedom.”

Deadlines dictated by the Iranian regime for closure of Ashraf by the end of 2011 are desperate attempts to evade internal, regional and international consequences of crime against humanity in Ashraf on 8 April and to overshadow the call by the international community for full, transparent and independent investigation in this regard. In this great crime, 36 members of the PMOI were killed, 345 were injured, and 22 of the defenseless residents were over run by armored vehicles. Iraqi government’s obstructions of visits to Ashraf by delegations from the European Parliament and the U.S. Congress are attempts to hide and cover this crime.

Formation of a joint committee with the clerical regime and the ICRC on the issue of Ashraf as pointed to by Talebani, is, as written in Statement No 115 of the NCRI dated June 21 “strongly condemned and is unacceptable.

It is a clear indication of collusion with the religious dictatorship ruling Iran for the massacre of members of the opposition and residents of Ashraf. The ICRC should not make itself discredited through complicity in this plan that is in violation of international laws and conventions…

“Any complicity and role for the clerical regime on the issue of Ashraf and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), 120,00 of whose members  and supporters have been executed by the clerical regime, is an unyielding red line for Iranian people, the Iranian Resistance and in particular the residents of Ashraf. The US government and the UN are responsible to this effect and should prevent the clerical regime’s involvement in this case.”

Mrs. Rajavi declared last week: “The United Nations should assume the protection of Ashraf and UN observers should be stationed in Ashraf. We just request that the United States and European Union provide protection for these observers. This is a minimum and the most essential request for protecting the lives of the PMOI members in Ashraf. The United States has responsibility for transferring the protection of Ashraf, because they trusted that to a government whose intention to suppress Ashraf residents was evident well in advance.”

Secretariat of National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 25, 2011

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