Stage managed gathering of the clerical regime’s embassy and Maliki in Baghdad in support of the deadline for closure of Ashraf



NCRI – This morning, Friday, December 16, the clerical regime’s Embassy in Baghdad with the help of the Prime Minister’s Office, gathered a number of its agents and lackeys in Baghdad’s Tahrir Square by offering cash money to support the oppressive and illegal deadline imposed by Maliki for the closure of Camp Ashraf. The objective of this act was to confront the international consensus to revoke the oppressive deadline imposed by Maliki to close the camp and in order to overshadow the widespread support by Iraqi people and politicians for Ashraf, and to set the stage for a big massacre.

This show was stage-managed by the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) that is the agent of clerical regime. This gang was founded by Khomeini in 1982 and mullah Shahroodi who was its spokesman and its chief, subsequently became the clerical regime’s Chief Justice. The SCIRI and the 9th Badr  Group are organs of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and their members are enlisted as the personnel of the IRGC and receive monthly salaries from the IRGC.

Mullah Amar Hakim, the head of this gang was summoned to Tehran in previous days and was briefed by Khamenei, Ali Larijani, the Speaker of the Majlis, and Saeed Jalili, the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council in order to implement the mullahs’ plots.
The State Iraqi TV, Al-Iraqiyeh, that belongs to Maliki, and Arab Speaking televisions affiliated to the clerical regime, Al-Alam, Al-Forat, Afagh, and Al-Kosar took part in the Friday show. These televisions announced “the demonstrators chanted slogans in support of the Government position regarding this garrison,” and “called for implementation of the government order for the expulsion of this organization from Ashraf garrison.”
The terminology used in this absurd show, its final statement, and the specific phrases used by its organizers  were identical to those used by the clerical regime such as Monafeqin (instead of Mojahedin), the World arrogance, instead of the U.S., left no doubt that the main organizer of the event was the Iranian regime’s embassy. The statement among other things “called for prevention of the intervention of the EU and the world arrogance that have interest in the presence of this group in Iraq.”

Some individuals, who were hired to take part in the show, had no idea of the reason for the gathering. One of the participants, who was introduced by Al-Alam as a Sheikh from Diyala Province said: “We have gathered for the expulsion of usurper Alqaeda . We the sheikhs, tribesmen, urge the government and our religious leaders to expel them.”

The absurd show is taking place when Maliki’s security forces would harass, persecute, and arrest anyone who defends Ashraf residents and their rights.  If Maliki is honest, he should allow Iraqi people to address their views on Ashraf freely and the supporters of Ashraf to be able to stage a demonstration.  Last month, 1,050,000 Iraqis signed a declaration condemning the suppressive measures against Ashraf and called for the Dec 31 to be rescinded.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 16, 2011

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