Some 400 Iranian regime Qud Force and MOIS agents station outside Camp Ashraf

Camp Ashraf military occupation- No. 182

NCRI – Some 400 members of Iranian regime’s terrorist Quds force and Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) were transferred to Camp Ashraf in 3 buses and 13 vans on Monday evening. They were stationed in the Moeen Building Complex in north of Ashraf,  which was occupied by Iraqi forces during the April 8 massacre.  An Iraqi Police Rapid Deployment Battalion is protecting the agents.

The transfer the agents is aimed at setting the stage for a new attack on Ashraf and creating a much larger scale bloodbath as Maliki’s illegal and suppressive deadline for closure of Ashraf approaches.

The entry of agents to Iraq, their transfer to Ashraf and their stationing in the Camp has been carried out with coordination with the Iraqi Prime Ministry’s office.

In addition, Iranian regime’s agents accompanied by Iraqi Forces established a number of posts outside Ashraf fences on all side. Iranian regimes agents will be stationed in the posts.

In the past few days, the Iraqi Army’s intelligence officers have fired gunshots and threatened the Camp Ashraf residents with plans to slaughter them.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 20, 2011

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