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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyRights groups hold Geneva conference in support of rights of Ashraf residents

Rights groups hold Geneva conference in support of rights of Ashraf residents

Rights groups hold Geneva conference in support of rights of Ashraf residentsNCRI – On the sidelines of the fourteenth session of the UN Human Rights Council, a conference in support of the rights of the residents of Camp Ashraf in Iraq was held at the European headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva.

Camp Ashraf, Iraq, is home to some 3,400 members of the main Iranian opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). The conference was organized after invitations from the World Organization Against Torture, the Foundation of Danielle Mitterrand, former French First Lady and Director of France-Liberté, and MRAP (Movement Against Racism and for Friendship between Peoples).

The Secretary General of the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT), Eric Sottas, chaired the conference. The OMCT is one of the most credible global non-government organizations dedicated to the advancement of human rights in the world. Professor Steven Schneebaum, lecturer of international law at the School of Advanced International Studies at John Hopkins University in Washington, Mrs. Erica Deuber-Ziegler, a prominent human rights figure and former parliamentarian from Geneva, Mr. Gianfranco Fattorini, representative of MRAP at the United Nations, and Dr. Ali Safavi, member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), spoke at the event.

Also present at the conference were delegations from participating governments at the Human Rights Council session, a representative from the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, a representative from the secretariat of the UN Human Rights Council, as well as a large number of NGOs at the Council, including the International Federation for Human Rights, the Arab Union of Jurists, the International Federation for Women’s Rights, in addition to a number of journalists.

The OMCT Secretary General, Eric Sottas, told the audience in his opening remarks, “The OMCT is greatly concerned about the serious threats facing the 3,400 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran in Ashraf.”

Mr. Sottas referred to the deadly July 2009 raid of Iraqi forces against Ashraf and said, “The situation in Ashraf is critical. In recent months, the residents have been facing systematic abuse both by Iraqi authorities and also by the Iranian regime. The OMCT believes that persistent warnings about expulsion simultaneous with repeated threats regarding hanging and encouraging the murder of the residents, in addition to the serious restrictions imposed against accessing basic necessities, are all examples of grave violations of the rights of Ashraf residents.”

In his remarks, Professor Schneebaum underscored the commitments of the UN and the US towards the residents of Ashraf on the basis of international laws and conventions. He added, “What we are now witnessing are gross violations of the rights of Ashraf residents as stipulated in the International Humanitarian Law. The Iraqi government’s deeds, which are meant to make life intolerable for the residents, constitute constructive refoulement which violates international laws to the same extent that the act of refoulement itself would.”

The Johns Hopkins scholar introduced a legal opinion, entitled, "The United Nations Must Work to Prevent the Illegal Constructive Refoulement of the People of Ashraf," in which he underscored that the current conduct of the Iraqi government amounts to constructive refoulement, which is, similar to actual refoulement, a violation of international humanitarian law. Mr. Schneebaum also made reference to the Iraqi government’s attempts to relocate Ashraf residents to an unlivable detention center located in the southern Iraqi desert, stressing, “The July 2009 and April 2010 attacks, coupled with the psychological warfare which we have witnessed since last February, shows that the Iraqi government  is neither willing nor able to protect the residents of Ashraf, and on that basis, Article 45 of the Fourth Geneva Convention puts the onus on the US to reassume protection of Ashraf residents. Therefore, the US bears a responsibility not only on moral grounds but also with respect to international law in this regard.”

Mr. Gianfranco Fattorini, MRAP representative at the UN, also spoke about the situation in Ashraf at the conference, saying, “Our organization has requested the UN special rapporteur on torture to conduct urgent investigations about the situation in Ashraf. In particular, a special rapporteur from the office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights must be sent to Ashraf and later present their findings to the Human Rights Council.”

“Moreover,” Mr. Fattorini added, “we are of the opinion that the UN must seriously and actively assume the responsibility to protect Camp Ashraf and that the residents must also be protected by the US forces stationed in the camp.”

Former Swiss MP, Ms. Erica Deuber-Ziegler, said, “We must launch a stern campaign with regards to the families of Ashraf who have made sacrifices for the sake of their ideals. Recently, six Ashraf family members were sentenced to death in Iran and I have with me a list of close to 200 relatives of Ashraf residents who are currently imprisoned by the Iranian regime. As a Swiss citizen, I believe that the Swiss government is also responsible for Ashraf residents and their families. We must ensure that the rights stipulated in the Geneva Conventions are respected with regards to Ashraf.”

Dr. Ali Safavi, a member of the NCRI, outlined the political scope of the current situation in Ashraf as well as the inhumane treatment and actions carried out by the Iraqi government towards the residents, and added, “The current situation in Ashraf must be assessed in the context of the equation encompassing the PMOI as the main opposition force against the clerical regime as well as the ties between the Iraqi government with Tehran.”

“The clerical regime is fearful of the role and influence of the residents of Ashraf regarding the nationwide uprisings which were triggered following the sham presidential election,” Mr. Safavi added. “It is also weary about the PMOI’s role as a formidable barrier against the regime’s efforts to export fundamentalism to Iraq.”

“That is why the regime is doing its utmost to destroy Ashraf and made its support for Nouri al-Maliki’s campaign bid during the March parliamentary elections in Iraq contingent upon attacking and annihilating Camp Ashraf.” Dr. Safavi added, “Even though this plot failed on the account of the perseverance of the residents, still the clerical regime continues to carry out plots against the residents, including sending intelligence agents under the guise of families of the residents to the camp. This places serious commitments and responsibilities on the shoulders of the UN, UNAMI and the US government.”