Ridiculous show staged by mullahs’ intelligence service in Maliki’s Defense Ministry aimed at justifying April 8th massacre in Ashraf and preparing the ground for further attacks

Camp Ashraf military occupation – No. 120

NCRI – On Thursday June 30th, the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, run directly by Maliki since few months ago, brought four agents of the mullahs’ Intelligence under the guise of former PMOI members to a ridiculous press show to justify the antihuman crime of April 8th against Ashraf residents, to whitewash bloody hands of Maliki, and to prepare the ground for further massacres.

This absurd show was staged one day after Moslehi made his remarks as: “The Iraqi officials have pledged that they will soon take good measures regarding the PMOI and Camp Ashraf… We insist that the Iraqis make decision about Ashraf compound as soon as possible, and they promise to proceed in this regard soon. Of course, they have already done good measures which are admirable; some coordination has been done which we hope would result soon.”(Fars news agency, affiliated to IRGC- June 29)

Muhammad al-Askari, Maliki’s spokesman in Defense Ministry and one of the organizers of April 8th crime, was the stage manager of this show. He said: “Many of Ashraf residents do not want to stay in the camp…. They have been kept in the camp under force and threats. The Camp’s leadership constantly foments crisis with Iraqi soldiers to attract the attention of international opinion and people.” In yet another preposterous lie, he said: “58 members of the PMOI have escaped, most of whom are PMOI leaders.”

It is not clear whether the task of such imaginary leaders is to hold the people of the camp under force and threats, or they themselves are escaping from the camp; and how many leaders the camp has whilst 58 of them have escaped. Forging leaders for the PMOI is not a new phenomenon. Over the past 32 years, whenever the mullahs’ regime was stuck in an impasse, it resorted to this weapon; this way it has created hundreds and thousands of such leaders who have escaped and separated themselves from the PMOI.
If indeed Ashraf residents are held against their own will, it is then not clear why Maliki and his foreign minister brought such disgrace upon themselves by refusing the U.S. congressional delegation and the European delegation from visiting Ashraf. And why is it that it is two and a half years that lawyers of Ashraf residents, reporters, human rights activists, parliamentarians and even government officials opposed to suppression of Ashraf are not allowed to visit there and why Ashraf residents’ families are barred from entering Ashraf? If the majority of Ashraf residents oppose the PMOI, then why, for seventeen months, the Iraqi forces have facilitated the psychological torture of Ashraf residents by the Iranian intelligence ministry twenty-four hours a day using 300 loudspeakers?

If Maliki and his spokesmen are telling the truth, have them just once allow reporters, parliamentarians, independent observers, and lawyers freely come to Ashraf and speak with whomever they want and to see the remnants of crimes of the Iraqi forces up close…

In an attempt to hide the regime’s role, Muhammad al-Askari said that no one is pressuring the Iraqi government to force the PMOI to leave Iraq and that this is an Iraqi decision. It does seem that he has forgotten that it was disclosed today that the Iraqi President returning from Tehran and his meeting with Khamenei, the spell-broken supreme leader of the clerical regime, has passed on Khamenei’s message to the U.S. Ambassador in Iraq that: “Closure of Camp Ashraf, associated with the opposition movement of PMOI, is considered as the first step for resolving some issues inside Iraq” (Azzaman International daily of June 30).

The four individuals who were brought to the scene by Muhammad al-Askari never had any responsibility in the PMOI and none of them have been in the list of the officials of this organization that has always announced the names of its officials for the past 25 years. In the past few weeks, they were taken to Iran by the MOIS where they received due training and subsequently returned to Baghdad. Consequently, while in the Mohajer Hotel in Baghdad which is under the control of the Iranian regime embassy, they were briefed by elements in the committee for suppression of Ashraf in the Iraqi Prime Ministry plus Nasseri, an agent of terrorist Qods Force in the Iranian regime embassy in Baghdad. Once prepared, they were brought to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense. Claims they made today are identical to the claims that have been made by the mullahs’ intelligence in the past two decades; claims that have been numerously refuted by independent observers, parliamentary delegations, and the US officers who were in charge of protection of Ashraf.
Yesterday, in statement number 119, the Iranian Resistance revealed: “Four or five agents of the Iranian regime’s ministry of intelligence, are supposed to be brought to a press show in Iraq’s Defense Ministry by Muhammad al-Askari, to pin the blame of April 8th attack on the PMOI”.

Also on April 19, after top secret documents of attack on Ashraf were disclosed in various countries’ capitals, Muhammad al-Askari, took three MOIS agents, as former members of PMOI, to Iraq’s state-run TV to wash the bloody hands of Maliki and his cohorts.
On April 9, Muhammad al-Askari, along with the commander of the Iraqi Army Ali Ghaidan took some reporters to the occupied section of Ashraf; they however did not allow the reporters to talk to even one Ashraf resident.

They hideously told reporters that in the April 8 attack only three residents were killed because of being hit by vehicles.

The Iranian Resistance considers today’s despicable show as an attempt to pave the way for repeating the massacre of Ashraf residents. It calls on the Unites States and the United Nations to assume their responsibility regarding the protection of Ashraf residents and to ensure their protection by the stationing of a permanent monitoring team in Ashraf.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 30, 2011

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