Ridiculous propaganda inspired by Iran regime to aid al-Maliki’s election bid in Iraq

Mullahs’ agents dispatch to Ashraf – Statement no. 7

Ridiculous propaganda show aimed at breathing new life into al-Maliki’s election bid in Iraq inspired by the model of absolute clerical rule in Iran

NCRI – A propaganda show staged by the Iranian regime’s intelligence agents at the front gate of Camp Ashraf in Iraq has taken outlandish and preposterous dimensions.

On Friday, February 26, the Committee for Closure of Ashraf at the Iraqi Prime Minister’s Office staged another ridiculous theatrics by bringing a number of people under the guise of journalists to the camp in order to produce footage and take pictures of the gathering of the mullahs Intelligence Ministry agents at the front gate. Initially, a buffet of fruits and sweets was set up by Iraqi agents and forces to welcome the so-called journalists. Then the agents used six large and powerful loudspeakers to issue foolish ultimatums against the residents of Ashraf. Meanwhile, the so-called journalists protected by the Iraqi forces entered the scene. The management of the propaganda show was so poor and bizarre that a number of those brought in as journalists left the scene saying the event is too noticeably staged for a believable news story!

The director of the ridiculous show was Sadegh Mohammad Kazem from the Iraqi Committee for Closure of Ashraf. He is currently being investigated by a Spanish national court.

The International Committee in Search of Justice, Chaired by Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras and comprised of more than 2,000 parliamentarians from Europe and North America, wrote on December 2, 2009 about this individual that:
“One of the senior members of the above committee is Sadeq Mohammad Kazem who has lived in Iran for many years and is closely linked to the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) of Iran. On July 28, he commanded the attack on Ashraf from its northern wing. He was the person who ordered the forces to fire at defenseless residents of Ashraf. During the attacks of July 28 and 29 more than 1,000 residents were badly beaten and 36 abducted. Sadeq coordinated with the intelligence agents of the Iranian regime over the abductees during 72 days of their detention. He is now responsible for exerting pressure on Ashraf and tightening siege on the Camp and preventing medicine, food and fuel from entering there.”

Moreover, the International Committee of Jurists in Defense of Ashraf (ICJDA), in its February 24 letter to the President of Iraq’s Supreme Judicial Council, protested against the clerical regime’s suppressive joint project and the dispatching of its agents to the gate of Camp Ashraf, writing that the residents of the Camp, “have officially filed complaints at the Iraqi Police Station based in Ashraf requesting it to be sent to the court and higher authorities. However, to our utmost astonishment, we were informed about the interference of the Iraqi army forces with judicial matters to block these complaints and prevent them from being progressed and referred to Khalis Court.” A copy of the letter was sent to the UN Secretary General and UN authorities as well as the officials of the United States, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs& Security Policy and relevant ministers in Iraq.

The letter stated:
1. The ICJDA draws your Excellency’s attention to this matter and urges the Iraqi Judiciary to urgently investigate the events in Ashraf over the past 3 weeks.
2. The ICJDA urges the Iraqi Judiciary to appoint a judge or a representative on its behalf in Ashraf in order to receive the complaints which have been until now barred by the Commandship of the Iraqi forces from being sent to Khalis Court.
3. The ICJDA declares that all the fabricated and false complaints made by the Iranian regime’s dispatched agents against Ashraf residents are void of any legal credibility as it is known worldwide that not a single family member or a lawyer of Ashraf residents and none of the parliamentarians throughout the world who wish to visit Ashraf have received entry visa to Iraq over the past 14 months.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 26, 2010


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