Residents Injured and At Least One Taken Hostage

Urgent Urgent

Camp Ashraf military occupation- No. 15

Mrs. Rajavi Stressed American Responsibility in Protection of Ashraf Residents

NCRI – According to reports from Ashraf, until now, a number of residents have been injured in the aggression of the murderous Iraqi forces and at least one taken hostage.

The oppressive forces use sticks, clubs, iron rods to beat residents and use tear gas and water cannons to attack and they also throw grenades at them.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President elect of the Iranian Resistance saluted the perseverance of the Mujahedin in Ashraf and strongly reminded the responsibility of the government and forces of the United States that have signed an agreement with each and every one of the residents of Ashraf and collected their self-defense from them in replacement of commitment to providing them with protection.  Mrs. Rajavi called on President and State Secretary of the United States and also the United Nations Security Council to immediately stop this murderous attack.  She called for immediate removal of the Iraqi oppressive forces from Ashraf.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 8, 2011 – 4:45 Paris Time

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