Representatives of Iranian Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) in Tehran meet with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General about Ashraf residents



Talks and involving the Iranian regime in Ashraf issue is illegal and a red line for the residents

NCRI – According to received report from Tehran, representatives of the mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence, under the banner of Nejat Association, met with Mr. Martin Kobler, the Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) for Iraq, in Hotel Laleh and demanded the extradition of a group of Ashraf residents to the mullahs’ regime.

The SRSG also met a number of MOIS agents under the guise of families of Ashraf residents and has discussed the issue of families of Ashraf and Liberty residents with representatives of International Committee of Red Cross in Tehran. As the Iranian resistance has warned frequently, including at the beginning of Martin Kobler’s trip to Tehran, any dialogue and involving the mullahs’ regime in Ashraf dossier is illegal, unacceptable, a violation of many international treaties, and a red line for Ashraf residents.


The Ministry of Intelligence and its branch of so-called Nejat Association try to increase pressure on residents of Liberty through International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), UN and by families’ letter writing, and engage in espionage and information gathering. This is while the Iranian regime and Iraqi government are the only parties who have prevented the families of Ashraf residents from visiting their loved ones and are still doing this.

Until 2008 that the protection of Ashraf was with the US forces, the families of residents were going to Ashraf from inside and outside Iran and would stay as long as they wished with their loved ones in Asharaf. But since the beginning of 2009, the Iraqi government not only prevented the entry of families to Iraq and Ashraf, it has stationed a number of MOIS agents under the banner of families besides Ashraf for psychological torture of the residents for 28 months.

A large number of family members of Ashraf residents are in prison for their trip to Ashraf and contacting their children. In May the names of 177 residents whose relatives are imprisoned in Iran were given to international organizations.

Residents of Ashraf and Liberty have declared times and again that they do not need the ICRC and UNAMI to contact their families. If these organizations truly want to help the residents, they’d better condemn the psychological torture and urge the Iraqi government to allow the families to enter Ashraf, and try to release these imprisoned families.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 11, 2012

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