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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyRemarks by Maliki’s of “Justice Minister”, Preparation for another massacre in Ashraf

Remarks by Maliki’s of “Justice Minister”, Preparation for another massacre in Ashraf

Camp Ashraf  military occupation – No.84
UN and US must assume protection of Ashraf immediately

NCRI – Sunday afternoon, April 24, the Associated Press quoted “Iranian state TV” as, “Iran and Iraq on Sunday signed agreements to return each others’ detainees, which could lead to the forced repatriation of an Iranian OPPOSITION group based in Iraq…Iraqi Justice Minister Hassan al-Shimari took the opportunity of the signing ceremony to repeat his country’s stance that the group, once close to previous ruler Saddam Hussein, would be expelled from the country by the end of 2011.”


The visit of so-called Justice Minister to Tehran and his loathsome remarks clearly bespeaks of Maliki’s ominous intention to create another bloodbath in Ashraf. It also proves the Iranian Resistance’s stance that as long as the Iraqi forces have a control on Ashraf, they will continue suppression and bloodshed.   Not only the Maliki’s government is not competent to protect Ashraf residents, but it executes the Iranian regime’s orders for their murder and massacre.

The Iranian Resistance revealed on 12 April 2011 the remarks made by  Hassan al-Shemri at the meeting of Council of Ministers on April 11 on the orders of the terrorist Quds Force as saying, “The issue is not expulsion of the PMOI from Iraq; rather, we should kill all of them.” The Resistance also revealed on April 20 that al-Shemri was supposed to visit Tehran the next week to receive his stipend and new suppressive orders against Ashraf.

While reiterating that al-Shemri’s visit and bilateral agreements with the religious fascism is a flagrant machination for launching bloodshed in Ashraf, the Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary General and Security Council, Mr. Ad Melkert, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, Ms. Navi Pillay, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the US Secretaries of State and Defense to  have the US forces assume protection of Camp Ashraf immediately and have the Iraqi armed forces leave Ashraf in order to prevent another bloodshed.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 24, 2011