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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / Liberty"We massacred them", Iranian regime tells Camp Ashraf relatives

“We massacred them”, Iranian regime tells Camp Ashraf relatives

Hanif Emami, tué d'une balle en plein couer par les agents répressifs irakien à AchrafIranian opposition’s Camp Ashraf in Iraq attacked – Statement 42

Intelligence Ministry’s interrogators calling families of Ashraf residents in Iran: We massacred them in Iraq

NCRI – The agents and interrogators of the clerical regime’s Ministry of Intelligence have been calling families of Ashraf residents, members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), inside Iran and telling them: “We have massacred all PMOI members in Ashraf and you heard that Mr. Larijani (speaker of mullahs’ parliament) thanked al-Maliki for it.” By these calls, the Intelligence Ministry is trying to counter the Iranian people’s uprising and break the resolve of families of PMOI members and members of resistance groups inside the country.

Hanif Emami, tué d'une balle en plein couer par les agents répressifs irakien à AchrafIranian opposition’s Camp Ashraf in Iraq attacked – Statement 42

Intelligence Ministry’s interrogators calling families of Ashraf residents in Iran: We massacred them in Iraq

NCRI – The agents and interrogators of the clerical regime’s Ministry of Intelligence have been calling families of Ashraf residents, members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), inside Iran and telling them: “We have massacred all PMOI members in Ashraf and you heard that Mr. Larijani (speaker of mullahs’ parliament) thanked al-Maliki for it.” By these calls, the Intelligence Ministry is trying to counter the Iranian people’s uprising and break the resolve of families of PMOI members and members of resistance groups inside the country.

Alavi, Mohebi, Reza Arefi and Saeed Sheikhan are among the intelligence agents of the mullahs making these calls. They use dirty words and insults when they call and congratulate people for getting rid of the “Monafeqin” (derogatory term used for the Mojahedin). The regime is trying to put psychological pressure on the bereaved families and warns them not to take part in any protests and demonstrations.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 30, 2009