Qods Force orders Iraqi PM advisor to increase pressures on Ashraf

Mullahs’ agents dispatch to Ashraf – Statement no. 8

NCRI – The terrorist Qods Force of the Iranian regime has ordered an advisor to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to increase pressures on Camp Ashraf after the failure and scandals caused by the dispatching of intelligence agents to the camp.

After the disgraceful defeat of the mission of the Iranian regime’s agents dispatched by the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) to Camp Ashraf’s front gate, and following international condemnations regarding the dirty and appalling tactics of these agents, the Iranian regime’s terrorist Qods Force in Iraq has rushed to the aid of the mullahs’ MOIS.

It appears that the agents of the notorious MOIS will not be powerful enough and there is no other choice but to also add the terrorist Qods Force of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) into the mix, which is rushing to the aid of the regime’s agents just as the IRGC acted during the nationwide uprisings inside Iran.

According to obtained information, the Qods Force is advancing its agenda against Ashraf residents in close cooperation and contact with the Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki and his advisors. One of the advisors, Mohammad Salman al-Saadi, is the top candidate in al-Maliki’s election list for Diyala province. The terrorist Qods Force has promised him wide-ranging assistance in his election bid in exchange for implementing its orders against the residents of Camp Ashraf. For this purpose, al-Saadi and Abu Ali al-Robaie, head of al-Maliki’s campaign office, met with Ali Karimi, one of the Qods commanders, on February 17 in the city of Khalis on orders from Sadeq al-Rekabi, another Maliki advisor. During the planning negotiations, Karimi requested more help and support from the Iraqi government and PM for the Iranian regime’s dispatched agents who have gathered at Ashraf’s front gates.

Subsequently, al-Saadi met with Odi Khadran, the Governor of Khalis, on Thursday, February 25, 2010, at the Green Zone in Baghdad. Al-Saadi ordered Khadran on behalf of al-Maliki to strengthen the ridiculous show of MOIS agents against Ashraf by personally visiting the scene. On Friday, February 26, Khadran gathered a number of councilmen from Khalis city council along with several tribal leaders and regional officials and took them to the Ashraf juncture at Baghdad-Karkouk road without giving them prior information about his intentions. At the same time, the Iraqi committee in charge of suppression of Ashraf transferred a number of reporters from media outlets affiliated with the Iranian regime to Ashraf’s front gate to produce footage and reports from the scene. This was an attempt to give the false impression that the above-mentioned individuals from Khalis were opposed to the presence of residents in Ashraf and have come to support the Iranian regime’s dispatched agents to the location.

According to the Qods Force directive, the plan was for Khadran and his delegation to enter Ashraf along with an Iraqi army battalion stationed at the front gate as well as the clerical regime’s MOIS agents and two defected former members who were previously expelled by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). But, fearing the international media reaction over such a move they resorted to producing pictures and films at the juncture instead!

Khadran is a well-known proxy of the clerical regime who has actively collaborated for many years with groups and militias tied to the ruling mullahs in Iran. For that reason, he was dismissed of his position as Khalis Governor for some time and put under house arrest. But, after the regime’s attempts, he was once more appointed to his position. He has helped a number of Iranian regime agents infiltrate the ranks of the Iraqi army and has organized a number of staged protests in Khalis against Ashraf which were ordered and funded by the regime. During one of his episodes of serving the regime, he vehemently insisted on continuing the detention of 36 Ashraf residents who had been taken hostage by the Iraqi forces in the summer of 2009.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 27, 2010

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