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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / Liberty"Death to Khamenei, in Ashraf" chanted in Tehran's Palestine Square

“Death to Khamenei, in Ashraf” chanted in Tehran’s Palestine Square

 Nationwide uprising – Statement 162

The demonstrations by hundreds of thousands of the brave people of Tehran are continuing is various parts of the city.

In Palestine Square people are chanting, “Death to Khamenei in Tehran, in Ashraf.”

Demonstrators in Seven Tir Square have been chanting anti-government slogans for the past several hours. While holding their hands up as a sign of victory they chant: “You killed the children of this nation, Allahu Akbar, death to you – death to you.” They have been clapping and chanting “Free political prisoners.”

Demonstrators in Ferdowsi Square and Enghelab Street took over Ferdowsi Cinema as a sign of protest. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 18, 2009