Preposterous show by Iran regime’s intelligence and Iraqi committee responsible for Ashraf

Statement no. 5

Preposterous and suppressive show by mullahs’ intelligence and Iraqi committee responsible for suppression of Ashraf

NCRI – It is nine days since the clerical regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and the Iraqi committee in charge of suppression of Ashraf residents, in a joint project, have stationed outside Camp Ashraf a number of MOIS agents under the cover of families of Ashraf residents from various Iranian cities in order to create chaos and crisis and put the residents under psychological torture. Through its theatrics, the Government of Iraq has asked a group of reporters to go to Ashraf to meet with the agents in order to pretend as if the PMOI is preventing Ashraf residents from meeting their relatives.

This is while the Iraqi forces have been preventing for the past 14 months the entry of reporters who wished to visit Ashraf. The Iraqi forces have not given permission to any reporter to go to Ashraf other than some selected reporters to prepare reports of the ridiculous theatrics like what is going on outside Camp Ashraf these days.

As they have stated repeatedly in the past, Ashraf residents welcome those reporters that are not affiliated with the mullahs' regime to visit Ashraf and to meet and talk with them inside Ashraf in their own premises without the presence of MOIS operatives and Iraqi agents and forces. They also demand that their families be allowed to enter Ashraf as they were in years 2003 to 2008.

Since the beginning of 2009, on the order of Iran's ruling religious fascism, in blatant violation of International Law, the Government of Iraq has imposed a cruel and inhumane siege on Ashraf residents which includes prevention of entry of families, lawyers, human rights activists, members of the parliaments and even Iraqi workers to Ashraf.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 16, 2010


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