Pre-planned show of mullahs’ embassy in Baghdad and Ashraf Committee, preparing the grounds for another massacre

Camp Ashraf military occupation- No. 156

NCRI – At a time when worldwide abhorrence and condemnation against the brutal repression of Ashraf residents and illegal deadline to close down the camp is growing by the day, the Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad – in coordination with the Ashraf Suppression Committee at the Iraqi Prime Ministry – intends to initiate a ridiculous show against Ashraf residents beginning on Tuesday, November 1st.


Based on this plot, a number of the mullahs’ hired Iraqi agents headed by Sadeq Muhammad Kazem are to stage a sit-in at Ashraf’s entrance posing as Iraqis who have suffered harm and damage from the PMOI. The objective of this measure is to claim the deadline to closedown Ashraf at the end of 2011 is actually supported by the Iraqi people, thus paving the path for a new bloodbath. The Baquba Rapid Response Battalion is to dispatch a unit to provide protection for this so-called sit in.

The Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad has promised to pay 10,000 Iraqi dinars as daily wages and other gifts, in addition to breakfast, lunch, dinner as well as living facilities and services to those who take part in the sit-in. The mullahs’ embassy has also promised anyone participating in this show a free trip to the Shiite holy city of Mashhad in northeastern Iran and free medical treatment in Iran.

Based on reports from inside the mullahs’ regime obtained by the Iranian Resistance, this plot is being carried out by a Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) branch called the Habilian Association, led by a known Iranian regime henchmen by the name of Mohammad Javad Hashemi Nejad who has personally briefed two Iraqi MOIS agents by the names of Nafe Issa and Ali al-Zoheiri on this issue.

The mullahs’ Gestapo has also ordered the agents to bring photos of victims of various terror attacks in Iraq to Ashraf’s gates to claim they are victims of PMOI’s attacks. Particularly, a number of elderly men and women are to be brought as victims’ families to make the show appear more natural.

On orders from the Iranian regime’s embassy, Nafe Issa on Sunday, October 30th dispatched two other Iraqi agents by the names of Fallah al-Omawi (known as Abu-Hajar) and Fazel Muhmmad (known as Abu- Abbass) to make the necessary preparations, arrange the site of the sit-in, and gather other agents to take part in this show.
Nafe Issa, whom the Iranian regime sometimes introduces as a “doctor active in human rights,” and Ali al-Zoheiri carried out another ridiculous show against Ashraf residents in the town of Khalis on Tuesday, October 25th which received no attention at all from the town residents. Al-Zoheiri had received $12,000 dollars from the mullahs’ embassy for this show.

Nafe Issa was hired as an agent by the terrorist Quds Force back in 2006 and continuously travels to Iran to receive new instructions. He travelled to Iran to receive his money the day after the brutal 7 January 2011 attack against Ashraf which left 176 residents wounded, including 91 women. He appeared on the mullahs’ state-run television on May 7th of this year saying, “Without a doubt, the Iraqi people will attack Camp Ashraf and crumble this camp on the members and those who are in there…”

The Iranian Resistance warns against preparations made for another bloodbath in Ashraf and calls on the U.S. President and Secretary of State, the UN Secretary General, UN High Commissioner for Refugees and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, EU High Representative Baroness Ashton and Ambassador Jean Du Ruyt for urgent action to have UN forces assume Ashraf residents’ protection to prevent a more widespread massacre in comparison to April 8th that is already predictable.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 31, 2011

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