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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyPower Generator Stolen From Ashraf and Transferred to Iraqi Battalion

Power Generator Stolen From Ashraf and Transferred to Iraqi Battalion

Iraqi’s Empty Containers Going to Liberty from Hygienic Material and Food allowing them be Spoiled in 45 Degree Heat

NCRI – Now that nearly two third of Camp Ashraf residents have moved to Liberty, Iraqi forces have already started to loot and plunder the belongings of Ashraf residents.

On Saturday, May12, Iraqi forces stole a 100MWatt power generator from the north section of the camp using a crane installed on a Berli vehicle. They transferred the power generator to the headquarters of Iraqi battalion stationed at the camp entrance.


As the Iranian resistance has repeatedly stated in the past, the Government of Iraq intends to steal Camp Ashraf’s power generators and other utility facilities and equipment that have been purchased and installed entirely by the residents.

In another development, the Ashraf Suppression Committee has taken the food that had to be transferred to camp Liberty out of containers abandoning them outside in the open in the heat with temperature as high as 45 degrees Celsius for several days, delaying their transfer to Liberty, allowing most of the food to be spoiled.

During the transfer of the fifth convoy of the residents to Camp Liberty, the representative of the Iraqi government, at the presence of UN representatives, promised to transfer at least 50 trucks carrying the  belongings of fifth convoy to Liberty. He pledged to return 25 of the trucks after unloading to Ashraf for reloading by 6 May.  But by 9 May, with 3 days delay, only 15 trucks arrived at Camp Ashraf.  Iraqis say  they will only transfer food and insist that the food has to be taken out of containers and be loaded directly on to trucks.  This will make loading much more difficult and will also exposure to sunshine and heat which will make them spoiled quickly. However, 3 days after unloading the food from containers, Iraqis are still refusing to load them on to trucks providing different excuses.

Therefore, many food items such as wheat flour, cooking oil, food preserves and others and also some hygiene items such as tooth paste and hand creams are being spoiled or have already been spoiled and rendered useless.

Several recourse by the residents to Iraqis, in order to return the material to Ashraf has bared no result.

It should be mentioned that the trailer covers stolen from the last convoy (fifth convoy), have not yet been returned.  Transfer of material without covers will expose them to extreme temperatures of surroundings and allow them to be stolen and looted considering many electrical and electronic and appliances have already been stolen from the fifth convoy.

The secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
13 May 2012