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Ploys by Iranian regime and Iraqi committee to intensify psychological war against Ashraf

Les agents du Vevak installant des haut-parleurs puissants à l'entrée d'Achraf avec l'aide des forces irakiennesJoint ploys by Iranian regime’s embassy and Iraqi suppressive committee to intensify psychological war against Ashraf

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad and the committee within Iraqi Prime Minister’s office responsible for suppression of Camp Ashraf residents have resorted to new ploys to continue and intensify psychological war against the residents of Ashraf.

The regime’s embassy has asked the committee to use intimidation against patients from Ashraf who go out of the camp for medical treatment and tell them not to go back to Ashraf. Lieutenant Heidar Azab Mashi, an Iraqi army intelligence officer based in Ashraf who receives instructions directly from the Iraqi committee and the regime’s embassy in Baghdad, on August 18, forcibly stopped an ambulance transferring patients back to the hospital in Ashraf at the entrance to the camp where agents of the Iranian regime’s intelligence ministry have been assembled since last February. Using threats and intimidation, he told the patients not to go back into Ashraf. He was confronted with strong reactions by the patients in the ambulance.

In the meantime, the suppressive Iraqi committee is imposing constraints on terminal patients and refusing them access to emergency and specialist medical services. It is refusing to allow the patients to be transferred to specialist hospitals.

The regime’s embassy has also told its agents stationed at the entrance to the camp to distribute abusive statements in Ashraf. These statements are written by Haj Ali Navidi, a known agent of the regime’s intelligence ministry in Baghdad.

In another ridiculous ploy, the Fars news agency affiliated to the regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps falsely claimed that there had been riots inside Ashraf.

 The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of the US Government and the American forces in Iraq, the UN Secretary General and his special representative for Iraq to the Iranian regime’s ploys to increase pressures and restrictions against the residents of Ashraf and demands guarantees for protection of the residents by the US forces and deployment of the UNAMI monitoring team in Ashraf and respect for the residents’ rights as protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 20, 2010