Plainclothes prevent entry of food

Camp Liberty- 42
Despite the agreement of the Iraqi Prime Ministry Committee, charged with suppression of Ashraf and liberty residents,and UNAMI to allow entry of food, on Tuesday July 3 once again the plainclothes prevented entry of food to Liberty.

This agreement took place after 10 days of preventing the entry of food by plainclothes and with maximum flexibility by the residents and on July 12, the first shipment of food while most of them were rotten, entered the camp.
But on Tuesday, the plainclothes whose identity and their respective affiliation are not known to anyone even to UNAMI, again prevented food trucks from entering. While this truck containing 25 tonnes of imported rice and dried fruit was checked by police dogs and other control devices and uniformed police also had inspected food shipments in the camp entrance, plainclothes came to the scene and said all food must be spread on the ground and after re-inspection, be loaded in the vehicles and transferred to the camp.
Plainclothes, in response to the residents and UNAMI representatives’ question that how it was possible in very hot weather to unload and reload 25 tonnes of food while the residents did not have adequate vehicles, said that the order has come from the top not to allow food into the camp.
Wednesday, July 14 the UN observers agreed with plainclothes that the inspection be carried over in the truck and in order to create room for inspection, three tonnes would be unloaded. But after unloading 3 tons, plainclothes received new orders from the suppression Committee and announced that all food must be unloaded from the truck and since this was not practical, the food shipment was completely returned.
The Iranian resistance while emphasizing on the continuing violation of the MOU by the Iraqi government, warns against the growing presence of illegal and criminal activities of plainclothes who for three and half years have resorted to crime, murder and siege of the residents in Camp Ashraf, and urges the Secretary-General, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, the US Secretary of State and the EU High Representative on Foreign Affairs to force the Iraqi government to respect its commitment within the framework of international humanitarian law.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 5, 2012

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