Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Loss of life due to Iraq’s medical blockade against Iranian opposition reaches 22

NCRI – With the passing away of another Iranian opposition official in Albania on Wednesday (November 5, 2014) the number of lives lost due...

Outbreak of dangerous diseases in Camp Liberty underscores residents return to Ashraf

Brutal medical siege, lack of minimum medical specialties and equipment at Iraqi clinic, prevention of transfer of residents’ medical equipment from Ashraf , and...

Three More Die in Ashraf due to Injuries; 23 Martyrs So Far, Over 300...

Camp Ashraf military occupation- No. 26 Due to inhuman medical blockade, more will dieNCRI - Three of those injured this morning, including two...
Iranian opposition’s Camp Ashraf attacked

Iraqi Prime Minister’s office refuses to allow burial of those killed by Iraqi forces

Iranian opposition’s Camp Ashraf attacked – Statement 76NCRI - Two weeks after the murder of nine members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran...

Iraq prevents civil defense measures in Camp Liberty after deadly missile attack

•    Warning on Iraqi government’s ominous intention and the necessity for the UNHCR and US government to intervene immediately to return residents to AshrafNCRI...

Residents Injured and At Least One Taken Hostage

Urgent Urgent Camp Ashraf military occupation- No. 15 Mrs. Rajavi Stressed American Responsibility in Protection of Ashraf ResidentsNCRI - According to reports from...

Two and a half months after abduction of three family members of Ashraf residents...

Military occupation of Ashraf – No. 126 NCRI - The Iranian Resistance warns about the fate of three family members of Ashraf residents, Mr....

Iranian regime and Iraq attempt to whitewash crimes of attack on Camp Liberty

To distance Maliki and mullahs’ regime from charges, the fictitious “al-Muktar” army assumes responsibility for missile attack • 70 injured, 34 impact points of...

Iranian Revolutionary Guards Qods terrorist Force directly participated in Ashraf Attack

Ashraf military occupation - No. 42 NCRI - According to reports from inside the Iranian regime, a number of Iranian Revolutionary Guards Qods...

Maryam Rajavi: If Minimum Assurances are not provided in Liberty, residents of Camp Ashraf...

Mrs. Rajavi informs Secretary Clinton that if the minimum assurances are not provided at Camp Liberty, all residents of Ashraf and Liberty are prepared...