Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Damages estimated at over $10 million in Camp Liberty attack

Camp Liberty under heavy attack – No. 9 Damages estimated at over $10 million 357 trailers, 10 dining halls and 275 air conditioners destroyed...

TIMELINE: Camp Liberty under heavy attack – IRAN, IRAQ, PMOI, MEK

Maryam Rajavi: Religious dictatorship ruling Iran cannot save itself by committing a crime against humanity at Camp Liberty The Iranian Resistance's President-elect Maryam Rajavi hailed...

Obstructing entry of basic needs and contractors to Camp Liberty for imperative repairs

On Wednesday, October 21, 2015, Major Ahmed Khozair, an agent from the Governmental Committee tasked to suppress Camp Liberty residents, once again in the...

Basic supplies, repair and maintenance items blocked from entering Camp Liberty

In an unlawful act, on Wednesday, September 30, Iraqi agents once again prevented entry of repair and maintenance items for Camp Liberty infrastructure. These forces...

Bogus information being pumped against PMOI in Camp Liberty

Pumping fabricated information and reports against PMOI in Camp Liberty to tighten the siege and suppression and to disrupt transfer out of Iraq According...

Iranian regime’s intelligence agents transferred to Camp Liberty for third time

Hirelings of Iranian regime intelligence and Quds Force transferred to Camp Liberty for third time under guise of families Thousands of families inside and...

Camp Liberty: Intensified medical and logistical blockade, simultaneous with transfer of MOIS agents

NCRI - The committee in charge of suppressing Camp Liberty residents, supervised by Faleh Fayyad, has intensified the blockade of Camp Liberty simultaneous with...

MOIS and terrorist Quds Force elements sent to Camp Liberty under cover of residents’...

MOIS and terrorist Quds Force elements sent to Camp Liberty under cover of residents’ relatives by Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad and Iraqi security...

MOIS and terrorist Quds Force elements transferred to Camp Liberty under cover of family...

MOIS and terrorist Quds Force elements transferred to Camp Liberty under cover of family members by Iranian regime’s embassy and Governmental Committee tasked to suppress...
Camp Liberty

Camp Liberty: Obstructing entry of parts for worn out generators

NCRI - On Thursday, September 3, the Iraqi forces under the command of the Governmental Committee tasked to suppress Ashraf that works under the supervision...