Nour Mohammad Biranvand, a resident of Ashraf, passes away

NCRI – On Thursday night, 8March 2012, Nour Mohammad Biranvand, a PMOI member, passed away in Ashraf after 23 years of struggle against religious fascism ruling Iran.

He who suffered from hepatic failure and due to inhumane siege on Ashraf, faced many problems in having access to specialist hospital and doctors adding to his pain and suffering. After several referrals to the hospital occupied by Iraqi forces in Ashraf and other hospitals in Baghdad and Baquba, he returned to Ashraf from Baquba Hospital on Thursday, March 8.

Since early 2009 when the U.S. handed over the protection responsibility of Ashraf residents to the Iraqi forces, these forces took over the Ashraf hospital whose building and all equipment had been provided at the expense of the residents and turned it in practice into a center for physical and psychological torture of the patients. At the same time, they denied the residents free access to medical services in Iraq. Thus far, 12 residents have passed away due to this criminal siege.
Those residents who have moved to Camp Liberty too suffer from similar difficulties. In their document of Minimum Assurances for transfer to Camp Liberty, Ashraf residents have demanded to take all their medical equipment with them to be used at Camp Liberty and to have free access to medical services in Iraq.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 9, 2012

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